May 01, 2010 23:51

So, last night after work, I drove into Brooklyn. Mighty Kate was doing another show at the D-Lounge with Josh Kobak, so I decided to spend the night at quatredeathlady's place so I could go.

Ahahaha. haha. ha. ahahaha.

Um. Anyway, I bought a cake (like, from a store. I was pressed for time, okay?) and packed a bag and got in my car and turned on the air conditioner and... hot air came out. It's the first time I've used the a/c since the fall, so I figured it probably needed to warm up.

Nope. Hot air continued to pour out. I ended up turning it off and opening all the windows in an attempt to stimulate air flow to keep the chocolate mousse cake from melting on my passenger seat. It didn't entirely work. Traffic wasn't bad, though, so I got there in pretty good time, albeit with wind-mussed hair and lungs blackened by car exhaust in the Holland tunnel.

I chatted with Nicole and Christine while Christine made dinner and then, you know, at dinner. Afterwards, I started to get allergy-y because of the cats and asked for a benedryl.

"It makes me really drowsy," Nicole said, but I blithely ignored her and took it anyway. Chris came by, we ate cake, and I promptly passed out on the couch, sitting up.

They woke me up in time for the show (or maybe I woke myself up. My memory is hazy until we reached the venue) and we caught a train or six and went down into the venue.

And. Um.

So. The last time we were at the D-Lounge, the problem was that people were talking and laughing and being jerks so loudly that we couldn't hear Katy perform. The management seemed to find the solution to that problem to be turning up the volume really loud. The first band that was on--Jesus, I'm not even going to put their name because I don't want to break their little hearts if they google themselves, but they were terrible. I likened them to a high school open mic night. Katy, Christine, and Chris all had similar comparisons. They were just... loud. And I guess they were singing, but it was really like screaming and moaning? And I couldn't make out any words in their "songs." And each song went on for about ten minutes.

Katy was sitting on one side of me and Nicole was sitting on the other and I couldn't talk to either of them because I couldn't hear a word they said, even when they said those words directly in my ear.

After the incredibly long, ridiculous set, the obnoxious asshole emcee came on and... my god, guys, I was embarrassed just watching him. Anyway, he introduced Josh and Josh played his set and... I LIKE Kobak's music. And I still winced at how loud it was. They TURNED IT UP at one point. I wanted to die a little.

Um, but Kobak was good! I haven't seen him play in like... gosh, maybe six years? Or five? At least. I still knew most of his songs. He looks HILARIOUS. Katy said to me earlier, "You won't recognize Josh. Now that he's in American Idiot he LOOKS LIKE he's in American Idiot." And he did. It was kind of hilarious. Katy was all like, "You remember Kait, right?" and he was like, "Oh, yes, of course I do, how are you?" and shaking my hand and I had to try SO HARD not to laugh hysterically. That would have been rude.

Anyway he played:
Union Square
I'm Sorry
New Song (he didn't give a title. I don't have him trained like I do Katy and Scott.)
In Style (which I still have an unholy amount of love for)
Some song I didn't recognize
Drought (with Katy)

The sound was really a problem. I honestly like Kobak--I always have. I feel like most of fandom was gaga over Caplan, but I've always liked Kobak's stuff more. But I had a hard time enjoying it when it was so loud I had a pounding headache. Still, if he does another gig somewhere other than this place, I might be persuaded to go.

Anyway, Katy went on after that! She played:
Rescue Me
True Colors (Cyndi Lauper cover)
Two Apples
Please Don't
200 Stories

She dedicated "200 Stories" to us, which was awesome because it was SOLO with the VIOLIN and solo "200 Stories" is like "200 Stories" times TEN. So. 2000 Stories, I guess.

Anyway. Her set was rife with the same sound issues, but I was mostly able to let it slide and enjoy the music. "Winter" is awesome, omg. I forgot I had my camera, or I would have recorded it just to have it. And I THOUGHT I hadn't heard "Please Don't" in a really long time, but I just checked and I have an MP3 of it from October, so... clearly that was a lie. But I love it. And I'm glad she decided to play it. Even if she teased me about it.

(Guys, when I move to Boston, Katy will have no one to publicly harass at gigs!)

We peaced out of there as soon as Katy was done playing and we said goodbye. I didn't even say goodbye to Kobak. We all had headaches and wanted to go home.

We essentially passed out as soon as we got back to Nicole's.

I swear I've never slept so well. Christ. I passed the fuck OUT. Woke up around noon this morning, got dressed, said my goodbyes, and figured I'd try to beat the traffic back to New Jersey.


Aahahahaha. ha.

SO. Going through Brooklyn was fine. Going over the Williamsburg Bridge was fine. But then over on Delancy it was a NIGHTMARE. There was construction and they had closed down two lanes and had cops on hand to funnel the traffic into the one open lane, but they seriously ignored the lane I was in for two entire rotations. I sat there, not moving, for twenty minutes. In the almost ninety degree weather. With no air conditioning. I wanted to die.

When I finally got around the construction, I whipped through lower Manhattan and the Holland tunnel only to come to a stand-still while going over towards 1&9 and the Pulaski Skyway. I got past the traffic jam (a stalled car on an exit ramp) and was all set to start cruising again when I went over the bridge and discovered the Pulaski Skyway was closed and there was a ridiculous detour. I took this fricking detour all through the back roads of industrial NJ, following this little white Scion that seemed as frustrated as I was, until I finally, finally, FINALLY was able to get on 280 and come home.

It was ridiculous. I had my windows all the way down the entire time and sweat like a pig. The stupid fan wouldn't stop shooting out hot air even though it was switched off. I do not know how people lived in the dark ages before car air conditioning.

Finally got home. Took a shower. Accidentally passed out for two hours. At least when I woke up, Who was available to DL?

OH MAN. I'm of two minds about this episode. I really loved it. But I was also slightly disappointed. Let's get to the good things, first:

1. I fucking love timey-wimey stuff. I love it. I love the crack that's been following them, the dudes disappearing and not realizing it. I loved that it sort of gave explanation to people's stupidity throughout the years with not buying into the alien thing, because it's something I've always been curious about. We've seen the past change a million times. We've seen the Doctor change things, even, but we only once see the results (in "Father's Day"). The Doctor said Harriet Jones brought forth Britain's Golden Age, and then he fired her, as it were. There has to be repercussions from that, yeah? Time is always in flux. And I like thinking about the hows and whys.

(This is slightly related to the timey-wimey-ness of a story that I'm working on. Timey-wimey is hard and it breaks my brain, but I LOVE IT LIKE CANDY.)

2. Angel!Bob's voice on the communicator continued to be super scary. The communicators in general were scary. Something about being totally cut off and only having a disembodied voice to listen to, I think.

3. FUCKING AMY POND FUCK YEAH. Oh man. The part where she was counting down was possibly the scariest thing in this episode. Curled up in a ball on the forest floor? omfg. And then having to walk through the woods with her eyes shut? The whole thing gave me the creeps. She is fucking awesome.

4. The whole speech the Doctor gave to her when she was leaving broke my heart. More on it later, but, oh my god, I love them. Sort of. Um, I'll explain later. But that scene just... was wonderful. They have such amazing acting chemistry.

5. The bit where they were holding onto the handles to keep from falling into the crack? It reminded me waaaaaaay too much of "Doomsday." I might have whimpered a little bit. I mean, obvs he wasn't going to lose Amy forever five episodes into the season, but still. My heart still hurts over "Doomsday," sometimes.

Some things I was less enthused about:
1. The angels moved. That was lame. solsticezero wrote this great angels story wherein she describes (or, well, doesn't describe) the way they move and it was lame to see them... moving regularly. Although, I'm just going to chalk their slow moving up to them being not totally aware or focused on Amy and trying to hide from the crack in time.

2. The make out scene? Sort of. With a caveat.

And here is where I abandon the list format and just start talking.

So, halfway through this episode I had to admit that I kind of shipped Doctor/Amy! But then, at the end, when she jumped him, I immediately STOPPED shipping them. Hahaha.

But! I like the idea of her wanting to travel the universe with him for a while and occasionally fuck him. I got the impression, during that last scene (which was HILARIOUS, by the way, omg, Matt Smith, you make the most amazing faces), that's what Amy wanted. To have one last fling with her imaginary friend before getting married. I really hope I'm not wrong there. Because I can live with Amy being like, "This is awesome, let's fuck!" but I really, really don't want another companion in love with the Doctor.

(Except, I do love them together! They're amazing! Their relationship is like, my favorite things from Donna and my favorite things from Rose mixed together, with a little attitude. I love it!)

Um, anyway, I've derailed a little bit. Good episode! The angels were disappointing, but everything else made up for it. Intrigued by River (but still don't care about her much), love Amy and the Doctor, and SO SO SO SO SO EXCITED FOR NEXT WEEK OMG RORY! I LOVE RORY GUYS. I HOPE HE TRAVELS WITH THEM FOR THE REST OF THE SEASON! :D :D :D


Finally, someone's birthday is in thirty days. I'm not saying who. Just, you know, putting it out there.

car w0es, nicole, josh kobak, set list, mighty kate, who

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