my own private storyfinder community

Apr 20, 2010 17:26

I don't post on storyfinder communities as a rule because pretty much everything that gets posted on storyfinder communities makes the story sound ridic and the poster sound crazy. It's scientific fact.

I am looking for a fic, however. And I know at least some of you have read it.

It's an AU. Rodney owns some kind of... I don't know, engineering firm or software company or something. He's super smart and known for being an obnoxious bastard. He's in competition with Kavanaugh for some kind of contract when Kavanaugh says something like, "I don't care if I get it, because it just means I have more time to devote to my loving family." Cue Rodney's PR person (Cadman?) saying that Rodney needs to get a cute family, stat.

I think John ran a dating service? But, predictably, Rodney didn't have any interest in the dates John set him up on, he fell in love with John. John had a pre-teen daughter who Rodney called "Sheppard Jr." John claimed that he was a widower, but really his wife abandoned him and Sheppard Jr when Sheppard Jr was a baby. Rodney found her and was going to pay her off to leave the kid alone, when Sheppard Jr confronted John and Rodney and said something like, "I've been able to Google since I was five. I've known she was alive for a long time, but I didn't want to bring it up because you clearly don't want to talk about it. Can you two just get gay married now?"

And then they did.

I swear I had this damn thing bookmarked, but I CANNOT FIND IT. And I wanted to rec it to someone. So. Any help would be appreciated.


In other news, I am halfway through Skulduggery Pleasant: Dark Days and I love everything this book chooses to be. I WANT TO QUOTE THE ENTIRE THING. PAGE BY PAGE. I really should take a nap, but I think I'm going to go try and finish it.


In other other news:

Mom: What's in this box?
Kait: OH! I think it's a present for us!
Mom: What do you mean?
Kait: They were on sale online, so... ::pulls out Criminal Minds Season 1::
Dad: We have to go grocery shopping!
Mom: Nooooo!

quotes, family stuff, skulduggery pleasant, sga, criminal minds is the new ncis

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