rainpocolypse :(

Mar 14, 2010 14:46


Last night, Lauren and I went to see Ingrid Michaelson and her fabulous band of adorable awesome people in Montclair. During a frigging monsoon. Like, rain sideways, crazy winds... oh man. I don't even know. But, whatever, we got there, we saw the AWESOME SHOW and then we drove home.

To find there was no power in my neighborhood.

Okay, first off, can I just say that I feel like every time I see Ingrid, something cray happens to keep me from blogging about it. I mean, one time I lost my phone, one time Brendan had a crisis, now there's a monsoon, and once there was the Armless Hipster. CRAZY.

But, anyway. The power was out and I was wired, so things got kind of ridic. Over the course of the night, I used my iPod, my phone, and my computer as a flashlight. I couldn't find my actual flashlight. I eventually lit some candles, but reading by candlelight gave me a headache, so I started reading through the documents folder on my computer, hitting the greatest hits of the novel I was writing with my ex, a gazillion stories about Alan and Danny (including the story in the reporter!au where Danny accidentally proposes on air, which was HILARIOUS. Man.), and a lot of fic. Fic is much less suspenseful when you know what's happening next, is all I'm saying.

Eventually, my battery started to die, so I went upstairs and tried to sleep.

This morning I woke up expecting to upload my videos from last night to YouTube, do some laundry so I have something to wear on Monday, and go shopping.


No power until fucking TUESDAY, guys! TUESDAY!

Right now I'm in Panera, which has food, power, internet, and hot water, which are all things that are lacking at my house right now. The fire department is there, pumping the four inches of water our of our basement D: D: D:

THIS IS A WEIRD DAY, OKAY? I can imagine it will only get weirder.

SO! If anyone wants to contact me in the next couple of days, phone/text is probably the best option. If you do not have my number, you can send me a direct message on Twitter.

Shit, dudes. TUESDAY. What even.

ingrid michaelson, rl

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