awesome day is awesome

Feb 25, 2010 22:55

The Bookstore closed early today, but I still had to stay for my whole shift since it closed when my shift ended. But it was still a pretty cool day! There was basically nothing to do after I did all of this week's changeover (the people there over the weekend are going to be bored), so I caught up on my, ah, YA research, we'll call it, by catching up on the third Gallagher Girls book. And reading lots of picture books about punctuation, for no other reason than my general nerdery. I also entertained myself by thinking of random Mean Girls quotes and imagining our Torchwood recast saying them. (Ianto: I can't. ::fake cough:: I'm sick. Jack: Boo, you whore!) And laughing a lot. Thank god my co-workers already think I'm crazy.

(CoWorker B: It's like you speak your own language and I just can't crack it no matter how hard I try.
Kait: ::insane laughter::
CoWorker B: SEE?)

When I came home there were POP-TARTS. Guys. POP-TARTS! The strawberry kind! With frosting! Because, see, yesterday did NOT win the prize. I had the worst cramps I've had in a long time. I couldn't move. My former boss has to drive me home, after WorkBFF essentially dragged me out to her car. Then I threw up, crawled into bed, and cried myself to sleep. It was good times. Or not. But my parents both felt super bad, and apparently my mom's guilt led her to buying STRAWBERRY FROSTED POP-TARTS FOR ME.

Um, it was really awesome guys, I swear.

Anyway, after pop tarts, I took a nap, finally found a way of ripping April Smith's album onto my laptop (it was a struggle. I had to rip it onto the desktop and send the MP3s to my laptop, BUT IT IS HERE.) and had dinner and watched NCIS with dad and read Mean Girls quotes and picked at a fic.

So, then, okay, a bunch of things happened at once:

1) Someone wrote an Animorphs/Torchwood crossover and I read it.
1a) And then had a conversation about Animorphs on Twitter with bessiemaemucho
2) Kate Hewlett @replied me on Twitter omg.
2a) omg, guys, no, seriously she @REPLIED ME OMG.
3) cardigan_verse Tosh was turned into a puppy.
3a) Ianto and Jack decided to go to the pub and crated Tosh.
3b) Owen objected and came to the Hub to puppysit.
3c) Ianto got drunk and started to tweet Owen about... well, mostly Jack groping him.
4) Simultaneously, in an IM, mcwonthelottery and I discussed Jack vlogging about how bummed he is that Ianto spends all his time caring for Owen and how he has a following of crazy 13 year old girls who are in love with him.
4a) and Tosh sells them locks of his hair and chances to touch The Coat for 5 quid each and makes a fucking killing
3b) So she starts blinging herself out and Ianto notices something's up but can't figure out what, Jack is totes oblivious, and Gwen thinks it's nice that she's happy.
5) Somehow these two plotlines merged and Tosh turned into a blinged out basset hound.
5a) And somehow, human!blingedout!Tosh ended up owning a blinged!out!Tosh basset hound and they were BFF4LIFE.

Oh my god, guys, cardigan_verse makes my life infinitely better.

(Also, my brain can't remember which of us is drunk. I just made eight hundred typos in a text to krabapple.)


If jury duty is canceled tomorrow (we are in the middle of a SNOWICANE), I am making waffles for breakfast and writing fic all day.

torchwood, work: bn, cardigan verse, my imaginary girlfriend

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