everybody, everybody wants to be loved

Feb 10, 2010 22:54

So, I spent about an hour last night randomly going through the current anonymous love meme and leaving comments for strangers/people I barely know, and then another hour tonight doing the same thing. Everyone deserves a little Snowpocalypse happiness, guys! Especially when they have rad icons or spell "Kaitlyn" correctly.

my thread is here.


There was no Bookstore today! I KNOW, I WAS SHOCKED TOO. It was wonderful. I slept in, I cleaned, I wrote a little, I did a shitload of laundry. I didn't bake because we had no eggs, but I still felt productive.

The snow didn't actually seem that bad here. We got maybe a foot. But I might be biased, because I still remember the winter of '96 when it snowed three feet like, every two weeks. THAT WAS AN AWESOME WINTER. Because I was in grade school and never had to go to school ever. GOOD TIMES.

I took some shitty camera phone pictures and some better pictures on my real camera, which I am too lazy to go get.

SNOWPOCALYPSE PARSIPPANY: ...this really isn't that bad.

SNOWPOCALYPSE PARSIPPANY: FRONT YARD STYLE: No, seriously, if they just plowed I totally could have gotten to work.

SNOWPOCALYPSE PARSIPPANY: But I'm not looking a gift horse in the mouth. Work is for losers.


I spent part of today watching White Collar and having paroxysms of joy despite the absence of Elizabeth. OH MY GOD. Arguing over who Dan wanted to hang out with! Being terrible roommates! Peter and June being BFF! Peter calling Neal Moriarty! THE NOISES I WAS MAKING. I CAN'T EVEN. Ugh. I love this show so much I can't even stand it, guys.

Oh, this SHOW.


I have to call ASM H tomorrow morning to see if we have work. Fingers crossed for at least a delay. Put your pajamas on inside out and backwards, okay?

snowpocalypse, meme, white collar, pics

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