favorite female characters!

Jan 21, 2010 23:43

Okay, I know this meme says top five, but, um.... it was hard, okay? I kept forgetting people! And, in my defense, I first saw this on krabapple's LJ and she did like, a million. (Or twelve.)

So here are my top five nine eleven favorite female characters AT THIS PRECISE SECOND.

Seriously, this is subject to change by the time I finish putting this post together.

1. Rose Tyler (Doctor Who)
I know that Rose is super controversial, but I don't care. I love Rose. I adore her. She will always, ALWAYS be my favorite, and I don't care what you think that says about me, because... I love her. I love what she represents. I love that she proves that you don't have to be the best or the smartest or the coolest or the fastest. You just have to care and you have to try and the world can open up for you. She's a shop girl who wasn't great in school, who thought she wouldn't amount to anything, but she saved the world over and over again. Plus, she is adorable and funny and amazing. ♥ Rose ♥

2. CJ Cregg (The West Wing)
Everyone wants to be CJ when they grow up. AND WHY SHOULDN'T THEY? She is smart and capable and hilarious and sexy. She holds her own with the Bartlet boys, manages to wrangle the press corps, and gives as good as she gets. SHE IS CJ, GUYS! How can you not love her?

3. Dana Scully (The X-Files)
Scully was one of my first role models. I didn't want to be a doctor or an FBI agent, but I did want to be that poised and brilliant and assertive. She could hold her own against Fox Mulder! And frequently put him in his place. Oh, Scully! ♥

4. Jessie Bannon (The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest)
Jessie Bannon was one of my other first teevee role models. A lot of classic Quest fans were pissed when Jessie was randomly dropped in for TRA, but I adored her immediately. Someone smart enough to keep up with Hadji, but adventurous enough to keep up with Jonny. I loved that she was always the first one to get on board with one of Jonny's schemes, but also smarter than him XD I have a fake Jessie Bannon twitter, dudes.

5. Stephanie Edgely/Valkyrie Cain (Skulduggery Pleasant)
This proves how immediate my response to this meme is. I am re-reading the SP books right now, so of course Stephanie jumped straight into my mind. Another one who has no problem running TOWARDS danger if she knows it's the right thing to do. I love that she can keep up with Skulduggery, but still have girly giggling moments with Tanith. Also, I want to be her.

6. Teyla Emmagan (Stargate Atlantis)
Man, guys, remember how Teyla keeps all three boys in line? And remember how she kicks John's ass, repeatedly? And remember how badass she is? REMEMBER HOW BADASS SHE WAS WHEN SHE WAS PREGNANT? One of the few redeemable things about S5 of SGA is that they still had Teyla kicking ass and taking names after the baby was born. OH, TEYLA.

7. Sam Carter (Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis)
Sam Carter, ilu. Oh man. Sam used to annoy the shit out of me, but once I started watching SGA I fell HARD and now she is one of my favorites. She uses her brain to smackdown idiots! But in a polite way, not in the assholey Rodney way! Also, she can kick ass and take names!

8. Mary Shannon (In Plain Sight)
Dudes, I want to BE Mary when I grow up. Badass, funny, extremely good at her job, but prickly! I love her! I don't even have that much to say about her except that I love her. And also that it's cold and I am trying to make these shorter so I can go inside and bundle under blankets and write.

9. Sarah Jane Smith (The Sarah Jane Adventures and Doctor Who)
GUYS I LOVE SARAH JANE SMITH OMG. I want to crawl into SJA and live there. I love the way she is with Luke and the kids. I love the way she is with the Doctor. I love the way she is with Mickey. I love the way she is with ROSE. I love how the Doctor left her and instead of falling to pieces, she picked herself up and realized she could do it on her own. I love how she saves the world without guns and without being thanked, just because she knows it needs doing. I LOVE HER HOUSE. Um, but that has nothing to do with how KICKASS she is.

10. Zoe Washburne (Firefly)
What's not to love about Zoe? Smart, sharp, sarcastic, loyal, badass, super competent, and puts up with all the lunatics aboard Serenity. Clearly awesome!

11. Abby Sciuto (NCIS)
I ALMOST FORGOT ABOUT ABBY. I don't know how that's possible! Abby is super smart and super good at her job and funny and fun and loyal and loving and ADORABLE. SHE CAN DO NO WRONG, SERIOUSLY.

Honorable Mentions: Donna Noble, Dana Whitaker, Gwen Cooper, Ziva David, Kate Wetherall, Tip Tucci, Sally Sparrow, Veronica Mars, Deb Morgan, Fiona Glenanne, Hermione Granger, Claire Kincaid, Olivia Benson, and about a million others.


I'm gonna be honest with you guys - it was really hard not to turn this meme into the "People I'd Do" meme. Because I'd do all of the characters listed here. Well, the ones who are of age. And Stephanie and Jessie should totes call me when they turn eighteen. (Although, according to canon, Jessie's already, like, 27. HOT.)


I am working on your ficlets, guys! There is one slot still open! I am also working on for-real fic. I am v. busy. (Or not.)

meme, jq, skulduggery pleasant, sja, who, firefly, txf, ips, sga, ncis is the new law and order

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