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bessiemaemucho January 14 2010, 16:27:09 UTC
I feel like I need to watch Torchwood so I can, um, know who John Barrowman is. I want to be in on any kind of joke that involves awesome dinosaur Photoshopping :(


pocky_slash January 15 2010, 00:34:06 UTC
Ahahaha, Torchwood is pretty much the worst show ever. It's better to watch it with other fannish people, because then you can all laugh while Gwen CARES at people and Jack cries about whatever it is that Barrowman feels like acting at.

But Jack (Barrowman's character) actually originates in Doctor Who, which is actually good!

Um, anyway, ::fist shake:: BARROWMAN!!


farewellojoys January 15 2010, 00:43:48 UTC
Don't listen to Kait, Gwen is awesome XDD

I've only seen Children of Earth so far, though, so...


pocky_slash January 15 2010, 00:47:03 UTC
I LOVE Gwen. I do. I adore her. She's my second favorite, after Ianto. But she is about FIFTY TIMES BETTER in CoE than she is in the first two seasons. I mean, really, in the first two seasons she basically just yells at everyone for not caring enough over and over again.

The Gwen who lives in my head is kickass. She and Ianto are BFF and tag-team Jack ALL the time (in the taking-the-piss-out way, not the sexy way. Jack WISHES they would tag-team him in the sexy way, but Ianto says sleeping with Gwen would be like sleeping with his sister.) and she's super competent and awesome and funny and fun. I just wish she was like that on the show.


farewellojoys January 15 2010, 00:51:19 UTC

The GWLIYH (<-- dude that is like the Welshest name EVER) reminds me a lot of CoE Gwen! I'll transplant Gwliyh to TW 1&2 when I watch them.


pocky_slash January 15 2010, 01:06:36 UTC
It's funny! Gwen was one of my least favorite characters (tied with Owen) until CoE. Then I tolerated her. Then I sat down and wrote Club Wales and now I ADORE her. Every fic I've written in this fandom has been a Gwen fic, which is hilarious considering how much I adore/identify with/love with all my heart/want to do Ianto.

Yeah, S1 and S2 are... pretty much the opposite of CoE (Which I have SO MANY ISSUES WITH). They're cracky and ridiculous and make no sense. There's no real cohesive plot arc. There's no consistency to the characters or relationships.



farewellojoys January 15 2010, 01:19:51 UTC
Cracky and ridiculous are fine with me!

I adore her accent, especially when she says Ian-toh. I wish I could swipe it but I doubt anyone would mix me up with someone from Wales!

That is how I feel about poutine! I feel ashamed and disgusted when I eat it BUT I CANNOT QUIT IT


bessiemaemucho January 15 2010, 02:44:00 UTC
I mean, I did read ALL FOUR TWILIGHT BOOKS which I think speaks to my ability to enjoy the terrible.

*fist shake* EDWARD CULLEN!!


pocky_slash January 15 2010, 02:57:16 UTC
That's true! And Twilight didn't have Ianto Jones, so that immediately makes Torchwood better. And Jack does brood like Edward. (Well, in TW. In Doctor Who he is AWESOME and FUN and RIDICULOUS and has awesomefuntimes with Rose and the Doctor. In Torchwood, he mostly stands on tall buildings and broods with his manpain and ridiculous coat.)


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