one serious thing, one funny thing, one meme, and one warning

Jan 13, 2010 20:51

First off, okay, so I normally don't do fandom auctions. And it's not that I don't care about stuff, it's just that... fandom and real life, as hard as this is to believe if you know me, are two very different spheres in my life, okay? I don't like them crossing. Fandom is generally where I come to get away from real world craziness. So normally, things like this happen, I drop some cash towards whatever cause, and continue talking about porn on my journal.

Anyway, this is all a very round about way of asking, if I were to offer to write fic for help_haiti, would anyone be interested? I doubt that someone I don't know would be interested, but... you know, if you guys were, I would consider it. I am pretty much only good at a handful of things and none of them are all that helpful, so if I could help with this... well, it's a thought.


Okay, so, now that the serious business part is over, bessiemaemucho wrote Mary Sue self cat-insert West Wing/Walker, Texas Ranger crossover fic in the comments of my journal.

I just think you should all, you know, be aware of that.

(It probably will only be hilarious to the two of us, mostly because it is based on the mockery of a Walker, Texas Ranger fic that we read about five years ago and still think is hilarious.)

(Not that we made a habit of reading Walker fic, we just went through a weird phase where it was hilarious. And... actually, I'm pretty sure we only read that one. BUT IT WAS WORTH IT.)


queenriley proposed this meme, and who am I to question my flist?

1. Comment here with something you would like me to take a picture of Gary the Dalek doing.
2. Because I know my flist, nothing over an R rating. (I can't figure out the mechanics of Gary doing anything NC-17 rated, but I trust that you guys could, given the chance.)
3. I will take a photo of, you know, whatever you say I should.
4. Profit?

Recently, Gary has killed the Peanuts gang, inspected my humidifier, threatened @thussung on Twitter, and exterminated me.


So, the official word on Katy's CD release party has come out! Monday, February 8th at 7pm. WARNING: There will be a hardcore Katy Pfaffl/Mighty Kate pimping post in the near future. With videos, MP3s, and shameless begging.

You have now been warned.

meme, walker texas ranger fanfiction, gary the dalek, mighty kate, renata

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