in order for it to qualify as retail therapy, I think you need to spend more than five bucks

Jan 06, 2010 22:46

I am a little giddy because it just occurred to me that some of the weird, uneven Jack!characterization in S2 is actually very helpful for the story I want to tell! I would have punched the air, but I'm very tired and I can't find my chapstick.

(That bit about the chapstick wasn't relevent to why I didn't punch the air, it is just something else that is bothering me.)


So, for those of you following the saga of my car, my parents decided to bite the bullet and call the insurance company. They were leery of doing this at first because my parents, Boy Child, and I are all on the same insurance policy and we've all had other accidents in the past five years. We are lucky enough to be covered by what is arguably the best insurance group in NJ, so this was to be avoided.

Anyway, they called anyway and now I just have to pay the ~$500 deductible and my car will be fixed! Yay!

In celebration, I treated myself to some presents from The Bookstore. And by "some presents" I mean "No, really, I spent less than $5, I am pretty lame."

First off, there was this:

Have you ever met anyone in the world who needs that on a t-shirt more than me? (If you have DON'T TELL ME.) That is basically my life's philosophy. I am stenciling that shit on a t-shirt as soon as I have time to get to the craft store.

Next was this:

"But Kaitlyn," you're thinking, "don't you VASTLY prefer the original Ian Falconer books over the teevee show?"

"Yes!" I would reply, "but it was totally worth the $3 I paid for it solely for this!"

That is a full sized poster, guys! Of Olivia! Feeling "Olivia-ish!" I CLEARLY IMMEDIATELY FELL IN LOVE WITH IT. OMG. I feel like it is an acceptable alternative to this poster, which is $18, for fuck's sake.

So, anyway, that happened. AND IT WAS AWESOME.


I am so excited about sleeping on Saturday, you guys. You don't even know.

car w0es, olivia, cupcakes

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