Fandom end of year memes.

Dec 31, 2009 18:51

I, too, have been seized by the End of Year Meme compulsion. Or something. I don't know. Anyway, here are the two fannish related ones. Later tonight or tomorrow I'll post my general YEAR IN REVIEW.

(Spoiler alert: Parts of this year sucked. Like getting into a car accident four hours ago.)

But this was an awesome Fandom Year for me! Dragon*Con! Seeing people! New Shows! Fannish interest in old shows! Generally being awesome! Let's let the memes tell the rest of the story!

This is fic only, no original stuff.

Ficlets/Writing Chat Thingy:
Sam/Will Nap - TWW, Sam/Will
Team Sheppard nap - SGA, Team Sheppard gen
Woolsey nap - SGA, Woolsey, gen
Passing Notes - TWW, Sam/Will
Nightfall - TWW, Sam/Will (Iowa)
Untitled - TWW, Josh/Donna
pyrrhic victory - Psych, Shawn/Gus-ish
chicken soup ficlet - TWW, Sam/Will
Sam and Will's dad and the oboe - TWW, Sam(/Will), Tom Bailey, Senior Staff
won't you please come home - TWW, Sam/Will
memo - TWW, Sam/Will, CJ
Josh likes Sam - TWW, Josh/Sam
midnight confessions - TWW, Sam/Will
Five Times Will Called Sam in the Middle of the Night - TWW, Sam/Will
Five Things Todd Wishes He'd Said to Neil (and one thing he wishes he hadn't) - DPS, Neil/Todd
Hairdressers AU [ one], [ two], [ three] - TWW, TW - Ianto/Jack, Gwen/Rhys, Sam/Will, Toby/Donna Noble

15 total

Regular-type fic:
Glasses - TWW, Sam/Will (porn battle)
Untitled Birthday Fic for Scroll - TWW, Sam/Will S2 AU
Something Like Nostalgia - Sam/Will (porn battle)
Canine Voyeurism - Psych, Shawn/Gus (porn battle)
Not Made of Things Which Do Appear - TWW, Sam/Will (ugh don't read this it's horrible)
Pride Magazine, Issue 984, February 2007 - TWW, Sam/Will
A Valuable Test - TWW, Sam/Will (Iowa)
Saturday Morning - TWW, Sam/Will (Iowa)
Two Campaign Stops, Three Interviews, and a Haberdashery in Guam - TWW, Sam/Will
The Most Exclusive Club in Town - TWW, Will(/Sam), Matt Skinner, gen
Five Times Jack Told Ianto It Was Safe - TW, Jack/Ianto + team
Peculiarity (or Something LIke Friendship) - IPS, Bobby D + Marshall gen
Club Wales - TW, Ianto(/Jack) + Gwen(/Rhys)
Not Today - TW, Ianto + Gwen gen
Forty-Eight Hour Stand-down - TW, Gwen, Jack(/Ianto) gen
Our Bodies, Ourselves - TW, Gwen/Emma
Yuletide Fic

17 total

81,214 words total

Overall Thoughts:

Not nearly as much as I thought. Although, I keep comparing it to last year, and last year I combined original and fic into one meme. This year, I'm just counting fic. So maybe the numbers aren't so far off?

Also, I continue to be a one-woman Sam/Will fanbase. Seriously! 19 of my 32 fics were Sam/Will, and I would wager that MAYBE there were 30 Sam/Will fics written this year IN TOTAL by ALL OF FANDOM. I am a little bit crazy.

Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted?

Much less than I thought I would. I had about a four month dry-spell between the first week of May and the last week of August.

What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January?

AHAHAHAHAHA. Torchwood. I never. In a million years. In a BILLION years. Would have imagined. And if I HAD imagined, I NEVER would have thought I'd mostly be writing fic about Gwen.

What's your own favorite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest?

OH MAN. Um, either A Valuable Test or Club Wales. I really adore A Valuable Test because it's just so... I don't know. It feels so... them. It's so Iowa!Sam and !Will. Will is nervous, Sam is distant, they're both unsure, and then they realize that they're the same people in Chicago that they were in their little house in Iowa and it all just... coalesces into understanding.

Club Wales is loved for other reasons. I learned a lot while writing it, it made me fall in love with Gwen (and MORE in love Ianto) and it sort of cemented a lot of my ideas about canon.

Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?

If you write gen, people will actually read it! And maybe even friend you afterwards! Who knew?!

My best story of this year:

UGH I DON'T KNOW. This isn't as clear cut as last year.

My most popular story of this year:

Club Wales by far. I don't know if I've ever gotten that many comments on a fic before.

Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion:

Peculiarity (or Something LIke Friendship), for sure. I mean, I guess there just aren't a lot of people on my flist who watch IPS? But still. Sadface. I liked that story a lot.

Most fun story to write:

Pride Magazine, Issue 984, February 2007! Both the "story" itself and the interjected comments XD

Story with the single sexiest moment:

Glasses, I guess? I don't write a ton of porn. And, actually, I remember that story more for the sort of bittersweet list of things that Sam is hoping Will won't say than for the actual sex.

Most "Holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story:

Nothing, this year? Last year I wrote Sam (Seaborn)/Rodney. That was hard to top.

Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters:

Club Wales. I didn't even like Gwen before I started writing it. By the end, she was second only to Ianto. (And, let's face it, Ianto is a character of my heart. It's gonna be hard to top that.)

Hardest story to write:

Biggest Disappointment:

Not Made of Things Which Do Appear. Ugh. It was a good idea, and I'd like to revisit it, but I tried to pull it off in two days and it SHOWS. It's awful. With the exception of the Matt Skinner section, which I actually liked.

But, anyway, I really wanted that one to be as interesting as the first one and it just... wasn't. It also didn't quite hit the point in the plot that I wanted it to? I don't know. I'd like to wipe the slate clean and start fresh with that one.

Biggest Surprise:

Writing in Torchwood in general. I'll be revisiting that in the general year-end meme. NEVER WOULD HAVE GUESSED. And when I DID start writing, Club Wales turned into a ridiculous surprise. Guys, I've said this a thousand times--Club Wales was supposed to be a three scene story about the Torchwood burn book. It wasn't supposed to be nearly 20k words long, spanning the whole time between seasons, about the epic friendship between Ianto and Gwen. WHOOPS.

Most Unintentionally Telling Story:

I... don't know. I wrote Not Today in about an hour, totally haunted by a single image, and it worked in ways I didn't expect. So maybe that one? WHO KNOWS.


Fandom year-in-review:

1. Your main fandom of the year?

Oh god. I started off the year with SGA and TWW. I wasn't impressed with SGA S5, and by mid-year I was just writing in TWW and not really reading anything. After CoE happened, I found myself running TOWARDS fandom to soothe my hurts, while most people were running away. So here I am, at the end of the year, in TW fandom. Weird!

2. Your favorite film watched this year?

Coraline or Up, I think. I didn't see many movies. I don't normally see many movies.

3. Your favorite book read this year?

Three way tie between When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead, Skulduggery Pleasant: The Faceless Ones by Derek Landy, and Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

4. Your favorite album or song to listen to this year?

According to, it was The Honesty Room by Dar Williams. I... totally buy that.I listen to a lot of Dar Williams, and I've had a resurgence of love for that album this year.

My most listened to song was "Arrival" from The Honesty Room (which, again, I totally buy), which... sort of fits what I want out of life, I guess. My second most listened to song was "Looking At The World From The Bottom of A Well" by Mike Doughty, because I became obsessed with a need to vid that song to Jack. I never did, obvs, because I'm not a vidder, but I listened to it obsessively, non-stop for about two weeks.

5. Your favorite TV show of the year?

Let's go with CURRENTLY ON THE AIR teevee show. Um. Psych, I think. Or White Collar.

6. Your favorite online fandom community of the year?

LJ and Twitter. Obvs. I know there was all this hoopla over DW and AO3, but I still get the most enjoyment out of my home here on LJ and the awesome people I follow on Twitter.

7. Your best new fandom discovery of the year?

As much as it still hurts part of my soul to admit it, Torchwood. Because, no, hear me out guys, I have met so many fabulous, accepting, excited and fun people in this fandom! And I have only been in it a few months! I will talk more about this, in detail, in my general end of the year post, but yeah. It's pretty cool, guys.

8. Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year?

Season Five of SGA and Children of Earth. SGA just... let me down. It wasn't fun anymore. It was a chore to watch the show, the characters were changing in ways that didn't make sense of me, and I felt condescended to, as an audience member.

My issues with CoE are legion, and not even half of them have to do with them killing THE ONLY CHARACTER IN THE FRICKING SERIES THAT I ACTUALLY REALLY LIKED, but, um, as the allcaps demonstrate, many of them did. I guess I can't hate on it too much, though, as it was the impetus for me to actually join the fandom.

9. Your TV boyfriend of the year?

Ianto Jones! I even have a tag about him! Also, Burton Guster, always ♥

10. Your TV girlfriend of the year?

Tie between Mary Shannon and a resurgence of love for Rose Tyler, thanks to spending more time in the Whoniverse.

11. Your biggest squee moment of the year?


12. The most missed of your old fandoms?

SGA. I really... I was so angry with how it ended. I miss how it used to be. Both canon and fandom. Fandom really disappointed me in the end, because I felt like all the fun was gone. People weren't being silly and ridiculous, they just wanted to talk about Real World Serious Issues. I am not in fandom to talk about Real World Serious Issues, guys.

TWW, to a degree, as well. With the loss of the TWW newsletter, I feel like the fandom decentralized. I don't read fic anymore and I don't know how to find people. It's sad.

13. The fandom you haven’t tried yet, but want to?

I'm gonna write me some White Collar fic, dudes. And read some. Because. Neal/Peter/Elizabeth = the OT3 of all OT3s.

14. Your biggest fan anticipations for the New Year?

Finishing more Club Wales. And Iowa. Seeing more fangirls next year. The return of White Collar and Psych. Eleven! Because I am so sick of Ten! Reading more fic! Writing more fic! The next FANGIRL DINNER PARTY! Seeing Sherlock Holmes! Getting my dalek phone charm in the mail! Watching more Who with my work friends!

Mostly SEEING MORE FANGIRLS (or, seeing more of fangirls I've already seen, rather), because fangirl gatherings > any other party ever.

meme, writing: meme, year in review, torchwood, writing: meta, writing: fic, fandom, sga, tww

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