daleks, recs, dinosaurs, maybe some other stuff

Dec 27, 2009 16:49

Hey, internet. How is your Sunday? Mine is okay. I am not looking forward to going back to work tomorrow. Not that I am ever looking forward to going there. Oh well.


First off, let it be said that sometimes I feel like krabapple and I are the catty old ladies sitting in the back corner table of fandom, chain-smoking and bitching about everything around us. Except without the chain-smoking, because we both have shitty lungs.

Secondly, HEY harmonyangel, I GOT YOUR CARD OMG. The best part about Jen's card was that there was a dalek button inside of it! I pinned it to my coat, right my seasonably festive lapel pin. (It is Jack Skellington holding a holly wreath with evil light up eyes. IT IS SEASONABLY FESTIVE TO ME, OKAY? To quote Crow T. Robot, "Hey, you keep Christmas in your way, let me keep it in mine, okay?") IT IS WONDERFUL, JEN! ♥ ♥ ♥

Thirdly, my friend Lauren got me this AWESOME DINOSAUR ORNAMENT! It is currently hanging out with this AWESOME CUPCAKE ORNAMENT that my aunt got me. Clearly the way to my heart is dinosaurs and/or cupcakes.

Because, fourthly, my work secret santa got me an AWESOME collection of chocolate chips, cupcake papers, and decorating sugars, all in a bag that lit up and sang. Clearly they either new me (which narrows it down) or knew who to ask about me (which... unnarrows it down because everyone knows I work in kids'.).


Recs! Right!

My yuletide gift was Rescuing ET with Harry Potter! It is a True Meaning of Smekday fic and it is BRILLIANT. Tip and J.Lo watch a UFO fall to Earth and J.Lo decides that they have to save the alien piloting it. Like most things that Tip and J.Lo attempt, this does not entirely go according to plan. It was ADORABLE, guys. It was everything I wanted out of Smekday fic and I'm so super excited that's what I got. The Tip and J.Lo voices are perfect and there are all these little references to Boovish culture that made me grin. The alien in question is AWESOME and hilarious and the entire story made me feel warm and fuzzy. If you're at all familiar with Smekday, you should definitely read it!

I also got a tiny yuletide Madness gift. It is an In Plain Sight Christmas ficlet and it is awesome like an awesome thing. It's called The Shirt and it is Mary and Marshall just... being Mary and Marshall. The Marshall voice is so, so perfect that I am utterly stunned. He is a hard dude to get right, guys, and the author totally nails him. It made me miss the show SO MUCH and I can't wait for it to come back ♥

solsticezero posted my mistletw fic early! And This Song of Mine is an adorable, bittersweet, kickass story about Gwen and Ianto Christmas shopping. It is everything that you could ever want in a Gwen and Ianto Christmas shopping fic, guys! They hold hands! Ianto helps Gwen pick out pots! Gwen accidentally says something she regrets! Ianto tells little white lies! It is just full of amazingness, internet! I need to strong-arm people into writing Gwen and Ianto more often! ♥ ♥ ♥


Did I mention I don't want to go back to work tomorrow? Because I really don't.


Some final crap:
  • My only thoughts on DW are thus: Frigging bring on Eleven and Moffat, guys. Seriously. I don't know if I even want to watch the New Years' episode.

  • I have no plans for New Years. If any of you locals want to come by my place, I think I have off on New Years' Day (I have to check), so we can, you know, drink and watch Andy Coop or Twilight Zone or something. Likewise, if any of you locals are doing anything low-key, let me know. NJ only. I love my New York friends, but I do NOT love driving home from the city in the middle of the night, when everyone is drunk.

  • So many ridiculous quotes from spending last night with Boy Child and RJ while I was writing. I will, perhaps, LJ them at one point.

  • Can I justify taking a nap right now? I think the answer is yes.

torchwood, dinosaurs, ips, smekday, christmas, rec, who

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