fannish + real life + meme

Dec 08, 2009 21:43


Okay, first off, dudes, you all need to go and submit prompts for mistletw. Initially, the impetus for this request was so that one of you would claim mine, but since TWO PEOPLE already have (!!!!), now it is just out of the goodness of my heart. And so that maybe someone will submit more Ianto + Gwen gen prompts.

Seriously, guys, more people should request them so I don't have to go and write two more incredibly similar requests, thus making me, once again, that weird girl in fandom who only writes one thing and totes thinks everyone else should be writing it too. I AM ALREADY THAT GIRL IN EVERY OTHER FANDOM I AM IN, OKAY?

Secondly, oh my god, internet, this pie.

No, no, no, that should go in real life. This is the fandom part of this entry. OKAY. I'm not ADDing all over the place or anything.

PART TWO: I noticed the other day, while watching "The End of the World," that the Ninth Doctor wears a watch. I haven't checked any of the other Doctors, but. Oh man. Guys. What even? First of all, how have I never noticed this before? Secondly, what happened to being able to feel the Earth turning beneath his feet? Or does the Earth turning no longer dictate time?

(This is pretty much the third part of a series of ridiculous wardrobe observations. You may remember the previous installments "Seriously, You're Telling Me Jack's Wriststrap Doesn't Tell Time?" and "Jack's Trousers Are So Intent On Being Down That He Needs Braces AND A Belt To Keep Them Up, I Guess.")

There was totally a third thing that I wanted to put under "fannish" and I am totally blanking. Oh well! On to pie!

real life;

OH MAN, INTERNET, THIS PIE IS AWESOME! My aunt left it here and I am basically shoving it down my mouth as fast as possible. I have to save a bite for my mom and it is really hard.

Um, right. Anyway, I went back to The Bookstore today. It was awful and busy and I'm sure it will continue to be awful and busy until the end of the holiday season. Then it will just be awful.

Last night, after I got back from Massachusetts, I went out to the mall with Leslie from work. To make a long story short, I fell head over heels in love with a dress that is so emphatically NOT something that I normally would peg me for. Then I bought it. I love it kind of a lot, but I still can't believe I dropped a chunk of change on this thing. Hopefully I look half as awesome in it as I think I do.

I am going to miss Katy's holiday show because I have to work. I have never been so bummed :(

eta: OH YEAH. Also, I'm am wheezing again? I... don't think that is supposed to happen the day after someone goes off antibiotics + steroids + cough stuff. I am pretty sure that those pills are supposed to STOP the wheezing, in fact.

I have pretty shitty lungs in general, so it might just be the normal course of things. Fingers crossed, guys, because I do NOT want to go back to the doctor.


I missed a day. Sorry! I was tired.

Day 22 = A website

Okay, now meme is just making up stupid stuff to fill 30 days. As if last week's "hobby" and "talent" days weren't bullshit.

A website, huh? I got this one from leiascully the other day and it preaches something that quatredeathlady and I are intense advocates of:
Tights Are Not Pants.

Seriously, guys. If you are wearing tights with a shirt, you are Doing It Wrong. Tights are not pants. End of story.

Day 23 = A YouTube video

Didn't I already post one of these? Ugh. Okay.

I went back and forth trying to decide whether I should post that Snickers commercial I like, Nannerpus (again), Muppets doing awesome things, et cetera. I decided to post Katy isntead!

Guys, if you've never seen Katy Pfaffl perform live or heard any of her music, please watch the video under the cut. Then buy all her albums. And go to her holiday show because I CAN'T and I am SO SO SO SO SO heartbroken and bummed :(

image Click to view

Video by the lovely and talented priscellie

Bedtime for me. I should be working on my reel_torchwood fic, but I am exhausted :(

Day 01 = Your favourite song
Day 02 = Your favourite movie
Day 03 = Your favourite television program
Day 04 = Your favourite book
Day 05 = Your favourite quote
Day 06 = Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 07 = A photo that make you happy
Day 08 = A photo that makes you sad/angry
Day 09 = A photo you took
Day 10 = A photo of you taken over ten years ago
Day 11 = A photo of you taken recently
Day 12 = Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 13 = A fiction book
Day 14 = A non-fiction book
Day 15 = A fanfic
Day 16 = A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17 = An art piece
Day 18 = Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 19 = A talent of yours
Day 20 = A hobby of yours
Day 21 = A recipe
Day 24 = Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 25 = Your day, in great detail
Day 26 = Your week, in great detail
Day 27 = This month, in great detail
Day 28 = This year, in great detail
Day 29 = Hopes, dreams, and plans for next 365 days
Day 30 = Whatever tickles your fancy

torchwood, work: bn, katy and scott, rl blathering, who

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