bummed, internet! i am bummed!

Nov 27, 2009 21:04

I had a pretty excellent Black Friday for the most part. I had to get up at god's time to get to the Bookstore at seven even though we don't open until nine, but, OH MAN. Apparently taking medicine really does make you feel better! I felt great today. I wasn't lethargic and exhausted like I've been for the past month or so. I spent most of the day on my feet running around, but it was a cheerful kind of running. Everyone said I seemed like an entirely new person.

Black Friday isn't a big day at The Bookstore. I'd say we weren't much busier than a regular Saturday. We don't have any major sales or anything like that, so mostly it was parents looking for something to do with their kids (as they do every time there's a day off from school) and people passing through on their way home from the big sales across the street. Everyone was super polite and cheerful and grateful, which surprised me, but it definitely helped my good mood.



(Dude, I totes know it's not your fault, Jen, so don't feel bad!)

It is a testament to how much I adore Jen and how much I was looking forward to seeing her that this has totally bummed me out :( :( :(

(Not that I don't love the rest of you who are coming, it was just... Jen! Who I don't get to see that often! And who is so much fun and in the same Fannish Place with me! :( :( :( )

So, yeah. I'm kind of moping a little bit now. I mean, I'm sure it will still be awesome, but it will be less awesome then it could have been because... Jen!


Um, anyway. Yesterday was Thanksgiving? Happy belated Thanksgiving, American internet! We went to my Aunt Beth's house and ate way too much food. There were placemats at each place and crayons on the table and I totes did an awesome coloring job! I saw the babies (who are really not babies at all anymore) for the first time in forever and talked to my older cousins about college. One of them is interested in purchase, so we're probably going to drive up one weekend so I can show her around.

Then we came home and I was so filled with turkey and happiness and Thanksgiving cheer that I wrote epic Gwen+Ianto hurt/comfort.

Um, yeah, I don't know what's wrong with my brain.

It was totally NOT the Gwen+Ianto hurt/comfort that I should have been writing, but I'm moderately happy with it. Ianto treads dangerously close to too emotional at one point, but given the situation, I can see it happening. I also realized that every time I have Ianto and Jack on the phone with each other, Jack breaks out the endearments, which I'm sure drives Ianto mad, but he secretly kind of likes. I can't tell if it's because Jack feels like he can be more demonstrative over the saftey of the phone line or because he hasn't seen Ianto and needs to pour out as much flirtatiousness into their brief discussions as possible or just because I have a weird phone/domestic kink. Either way, it totes keeps happening every time they're on the phone together. I imagine Gwen gets little hearts for eyes on the few occasions that she hears.

I think I am going to tackle the hilariously epic fake making out scene next, even though I should be working on reel_torchwood. I'm just in the mood for Gwen and Ianto's antics. A mood that no one else on the internet is ever in*.

* Okay, so some people are, but not nearly often enough for my liking!


So, I missed meme last night, what with trying to go to bed early and being in a full-of-turkey-and-also-writing-BFF-h/c daze. So! Two memes for the price of one!

Day 11 = A photo of you taken recently

I know I've already posted this one, but it's the most recent photo of me that I have. I think.

Man, I still love the fact that my sneakers are in the background. I TOTES JUST KILLED THE DOCTOR AND STOLE HIS SHOES, GUYS.

Day 12 = Whatever tickles your fancy

That getting to know you meme!

I've seen this floating around ye olde internets and since I've got a handful of new people around, I figured I'd fill it out. Also, I am brain dead and incapable of coming up with something for "whatever tickles your fancy" without resorting to other memes. A MEME WITHIN A MEME. Or something.

You know how sometimes people on your friendslist post about stuff going on in their life, and all of a sudden you think "Wait a minute? Since when were they working THERE? Since when were they dating HIM/HER? Since when???" And then you wonder how you could have missed all that seemingly pretty standard information, but somehow you feel too ashamed to ask for clarification because it seems like info you should already know? It happens to all of us sometimes.

Please copy the topics below, erase my answers and put yours in their place, and then post it in your journal! Please elaborate on the questions that would benefit from elaboration. One-Word-Answers seldom help anyone out.

Kaitlyn! Or Kait! I answer to both. I call myself "Kaitlyn" out loud frequently, but most people call me Kait. I don't really answer to my username immediately when people use it out loud, but I do still answer to my old Rent message boards/FF.n name. Isn't that sick? Anyway, the Rent fandom is really what got me out of the habit of going by a username. Since half the fandom interaction was in person, we all just went by our real names, for the most part.

Twenty-four years of awesome! Or something like that. Former-Roomie-Caitlin was talking about how close her twenty-fifth is and how close she is to thirty after that appears, but apparently I am not allowed to worry about that yet, as I am born five months after her XD

Morris County, NJ. I live in a fairly upper middle class suburb of NYC. If you look at a map of Northern NJ and see where Rt 287, Rt 80, and Rt 46 meet, you are pretty much staring at my house. We're about thirty-five, forty minutes outside of NYC. I live in a house with my parents, because I am poor (see: OCCUPATION). We have a really nice backyard. Turkeys live there. Also, a bear. Well, we haven't seen the bear in a few years, but he used to live there. We named him Stinky.

I am what basically amounts to the children's department manager at a large chain bookstore. You know the one. I don't actually get the title of "manager," nor the pay. In fact, some of my underlings make more money than I do. It is pretty much the most depressing thing ever. But I get to be around kids' books all day and my co-workers are pretty cool most of the time. I'm hoping to go back to school eventually, but I'm not entirely mentally well at the moment and I need to bolster myself up for it. I don't make enough money at The Bookstore to move out or become any way independent of my parents, which is one of the major things contributing to my funk, even though my parents are relatively cool as far as parents go.

So, in summary: The Bookstore owns my soul and I pretty much hate my life there, except when I don't.

None at the moment :(

My last relationship ended almost exactly two years ago and I was pretty fucked up about it. It was mostly my own fault. I don't want to go into detail, but if you listen to the Jenny Owen Youngs song "Fuck Was I," you will pretty much have a narrative of the relationship and the aftermath.

Um, anyway, since then I've been trying to get back on the horse. I had a nice, distracting crush for awhile, which passed. I've sort of got my eye on someone, but I'm so socially awkward that I am terrible at pursuing the lady in question. It's kind of hilarious. Like, I know I should just say something and I'm pretty sure if it she isn't interested we can still be friends, but still. I'm a scaredy-cat.

In case it wasn't abundantly clear from that last paragraph, I'm totes queer. I... have a view of sexuality that's very common in fandom but incredibly less so in the real world, which is that sexuality is fluid and lots of people are capable of being attracted to both genders, but tend to limit themselves. I'm not surprised when people that had previously identified as "straight" fall for someone of the same sex. I, personally, am predominantly attracted to women, but there are some dudes I'd totes do if they were offering.

Not at the moment. Oh god, I can't even support myself. One day, in the future, when I'm married to a nice lady, then sure, but now? Oh god.

The Boy Child. Brendan. He's twenty-two and we frequently get along, but for the past could of years he's been going through some really tough shit. He's having a lot of problems with school and life. He's got a lot of anger issues and he's really depressed and not doing much to help himself. He's really into music and kind of a half-assed hipster (the kind of hipster who disdains other hipsters but admits, yeah, he's probably a hipster). He has a radio show up in Connecticut at the school he used to attend and he's the music manager at the station. He lives in an apartment up there, still, and is trying to get back into his old school by picking up some credits at the local community college. My parents spend a lot of time and energy worrying about him.

We get along fairly well. We have similar senses of humor and overlapping taste in books and movies and teevee, though not entirely the same. I miss the way our relationship used to be, when he was easier to be around and not so fucking angry all the time, but I understand what he's going through and I try to be chill around him. He gets enough shit from our parents.

My parents have been married for twenty-seven years. They're crazy. In a good way, I guess. I get my fannishness from my dad and a lot of my bad habits from my mom, but they're good people. They're very sarcastic and very liberal and mostly laid back, but slightly neurotic in that way that your parents are ALWAYS neurotic. My friend Steven, upon meeting them, told me that he then understood exactly why I am the way I am. I'm pretty sure he meant it as a compliment.

Living with them is a little tough. I spent four years on my own, three of them in an apartment basically feeding and fending for myself, so being back under their care is... weird. It's been two years, and while they pretty much let me do whatever I want and don't ask questions, it's getting harder and harder to have people over and stuff. I think none of us are still quite sure what the boundaries should be or what we're doing. I miss being on my own, and they get on my nerves really easily some times. My dad, for instance, likes to listen to the teevee at a volume that the neighbors can hear and when I'm In A Mood, I'm really sensitive to sound. It's difficult, but we manage to get by.

None. I'm allergic to basically everything with hair/fur and while I love reptiles, I'm deathly afraid of bugs and thus cannot bring myself to keep those, either. I guess I could get a fish, but those aren't that fun.

1) The Bookstore. I'm there between thirty and forty hours a week. It's my main source of socialization. That's really sad, but it's my life. Sigh.

2) FANGIRL DINNER PARTY! I'm so excited about FANGIRL DINNER PARTY!, guys. I'm putting together lists of things I need and menus and stuff. I'm soooooo depressed that Jen can't come, though :( :( :( But I can't wait to see everyone and indulge in food and drink and gay porn with all my friends.

3) Fandom in general. Because I don't have too many local friends, I spend most of my free time surfing the net. Having a "new" fandom is nice--it gives me something to do, you know? I spend a lot of time writing and thinking about fic, reading fic, looking at icons, and babbling to my friends. (Poor suchthefangirl gets random two am emails from me all the time.) Fandom is my happy place. I try to avoid politics and wank and all these spats about Heavy Real World Issues As They Relate to Fandom, because I'm really just here for the squee and the porn.

4) Writing. I've got a handful of fics on my plate, as well as the original fantasy/scifi (!!!) novel I've been tossing around for the past few months. I told myself I was going to hold off on starting that until the new year (because holidays + retail = hell), but I can't stop myself from jotting down little scenes and getting to know the characters. I'm already head-over-heels in love with one of them (possibly because he's the POV character's love interest and seeing him through Henry's eyes makes me love him) and incredibly fond of another. The protagonist, Henry, and I already have the love-hate relationship I have with all my protagonists, which is a good sign. I haven't written fantasy or scifi in YEARS, so I'm reading a lot to brush up on my world-building and fake!science. I've also hit a snag with a plot hole at the end of the novel, and since I don't have anyone to talk the plot out with (another [incredibly selfish] reason I'm bummed that Jen won't be around in a couple of weeks), I haven't been able to solve it yet.

Let's see. A lot of my close friends are Internet!people, because the internet is good people, and I am totes socially awkward.

quatredeathlady aka Nicole aka my awesome cousin - Um, being cousins and all, we've known each other all our lives. We have incredibly similar interests and understand each other in a really basic way. She's been there all my life and my world would be pretty shitty without her. We have a million inside jokes. It's kind of sick.

moonsheen aka Alex aka former roomie #1 - Alex and I met via fandom on the first day of college. Nicole and I were walking across the quad (Nicole also went to our school), talking about how we'd never make any friends if all we did was talk to each other about Remus and Sirius. Then, from behind us, a voice piped up, "Excuse me, do you mean Remus and Sirius from Harry Potter?" INSTANT BFF, GUYS. We lived together for two years. It was awesome.

saidlian_nataly aka Caitlin aka former roomie #2 - Caitlin was Alex's roommate freshman year and only lived with me for one semester our senior year. IT WAS THE BEST SEMESTER EVER. You better believe it. Caitlin and I have this habit of being into all the same nerdy shit without realizing it. Also, we've bonded over Paul Simon. Once, we made our shower into a humidifier.

harmonyangel aka Jen aka NJ!Jen - One of three of my friends named Jen! I swear I didn't make friends with three people with the same name just to confuse you guys. Jen and I met because of Rent and in the past few years have taken crazy advantage of the fact that we live in the same state. Jen is really into comics and totally sweet and nice and fun to be around. I feel like my crazy bitchiness is probably a bad influence on her.

krabapple aka another variation of Jen - One of my internet BFFs. I miiiiss her. She lives in Georgia, and we met because of HP. We went on the most awesome vacation ever this year. Fish tried to eat us. Also, we have been to a shitty scifi con outside of Baltimore together, as well as Dragon*Con this year. She is tragically busy all the time due to ladyfriend + schoolschoolschoolschool but I love her a ridiculous amount. She is the Utahraptor to my T-Rex, because I am basically the embodiment of T-Rex and she is the one who tries to reason with me. I swear we have had entire conversations that are exactly like Dinosaur Comics before they appeared.

inocciduous aka ANOTHER JEN aka Jenna aka VA!Jen - Um, clearly I have already babbled about how much I love Jen. We have a deep shared loved of Aaron Sorkin and... I don't know, guys! Jen is just totally relaxing and fun and easy to be around. Like I said, I feel like we're at the same crazy, casual fandom place, and it's hard to find people like that, sometimes. I love her a ridiculous amount, too. Once, we went up against Harrisburg in a fight to the (near) death. Harrisburg won.

neurotictealeaf aka Rachael aka OMG ANOTHER FRIEND IN NJ! - Rachael is a relatively new addition to the group of people that I cling to obnoxiously for fear of being alone. ::shifty eyes:: We met at a NaNoWriMo meet up last year and totally clicked over TWW, especially Sam/Will, which only like, three other people on the internet ship. She has been subtly feeding my Torchwood addiction by putting up with my crazed Ianto+Gwen BFF rambling. She is also busy with schoolschoolschoolschool, but I try to cling to her when I can manage it.

AND THAT'S MY LIFE, DUDES. Man, I have been typing this for a long time, it feels like!

Day 01 = Your favourite song
Day 02 = Your favourite movie
Day 03 = Your favourite television program
Day 04 = Your favourite book
Day 05 = Your favourite quote
Day 06 = Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 07 = A photo that make you happy
Day 08 = A photo that makes you sad/angry
Day 09 = A photo you took
Day 10 = A photo of you taken over ten years ago
Day 13 = A fiction book
Day 14 = A non-fiction book
Day 15 = A fanfic
Day 16 = A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17 = An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
Day 18 = Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 19 = A talent of yours
Day 20 = A hobby of yours
Day 21 = A recipe
Day 22 = A website
Day 23 = A YouTube video
Day 24 = Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 25 = Your day, in great detail
Day 26 = Your week, in great detail
Day 27 = This month, in great detail
Day 28 = This year, in great detail
Day 29 = Hopes, dreams, and plans for next 365 days
Day 30 = Whatever tickles your fancy

work: bn, meme, boy child, family stuff, nicole, thanksgiving, friends, torchwood, nj!jen, the utahraptor to my trex, fangirl dinner party!, jen is awesome!, me

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