what i need is a cave

Nov 16, 2009 18:52

Well, this weekend certainly got nothing accomplished.

You'd think that three days off with NOTHING TO DO I would get something done, but no. It was either too loud or I was too distracted or too tired or... I don't even know what else. WAY TO BE PRODUCTIVE, KAITLYN. A+++.


Right, now that I'm done being sarcastic with myself, HI NEW FRIENDS. In the past couple of weeks, there has been an upswing in people adding me to their flists. I can only imagine that this has something to do with dipping my toe in Torchwood fandom, as that has been the only thing aside from The Bookstore that I have talked about with any consistency and no one wants to hear about The Bookstore. I work there every day and I don't want to hear about The Bookstore.

Anyway, Hi! There's more fic coming, I swear, and I hope you don't get too bored hearing about The Bookstore. You can scroll past those entries. I won't be offended XD I can't pretend I talk about anything else at this point.



(And yes, the caps in that sentence were crucial.)

SJA is the only Whoniverse show I trust my heart to right now. Also, I had a hard time finding a lot of the S2 episodes to DL and I don't want to start S3 until I'm caught up on S2. I'm wacky that way. Perhaps this will be the impetus to work on my "Sarah Jane Runs Torchwood 3" AU.

(ahahahahahaha, sorry, that was a funny joke, you know, that I will EVER WRITE ANYTHING AGAIN. Oh, brain, why won't you let me write words D: D: D: )

But mostly, I am just excited to see Sarah Jane Smith again. Because I love her. Obsessively. I'm so glad I got these dvds before FANGIRL DINNER PARTY!, because at least one episode of SJA is going to go into the episode-watching-hat.


Okay, one meme, stolen from the lovely and talented neurotictealeaf. Perhaps it will inspire me to actually communicate with the outside world more often for the next thirty days. (Ha ha ha!)

Day 01 = Day 01 Your favourite song

Ugh. Um, I don't know that I have an absolutely FAVORITE song. I have a favorite album! But I like too many songs to have a favorite. I have narrowed it down to two, though I feel like I'm cheating on all the other songs I like by doing this.

You Can Call Me Al - You have all heard the story behind this song a million times, I'm sure. When I was a baby, my dad played this album over and over and danced to it with me and I would sing along, particularly on this song. Blah blah blah. But it's really just a beautiful song off of a beautiful album. I feel like there's always something new to discover about it. My favorite, favorite part of it (and maybe my favorite part of any song ever) is that last bit of that last verse. He looks around, around / he sees angels in the architechture / spinning in infinity / he says, "Amen" and "Hallelujah"

The Ocean - This is my favorite Dar song. I mean, I love almost all of her songs and I feel like she has song for every mood and every place in my life. (Ask inocciduous about how embarrassing I was when I sobbed all the way through "After All" las week.) But there's just something about this song... I've tried to capture the feeling that this song evokes in about a million and one stories and I can never quite nail it. I also like this version better than the album version. This was the first version that I heard, and I feel like it stirs up a strong sort of desperation than the studio version.

Anyway. There you go. Enjoy.

Day 02 = Your favourite movie
Day 03 = Your favourite television program
Day 04 = Your favourite book
Day 05 = Your favourite quote
Day 06 = Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 07 = A photo that makes you happy
Day 08 = A photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 09 = A photo you took
Day 10 = A photo of you taken over ten years ago
Day 11 = A photo of you taken recently
Day 12 = Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 13 = A fiction book
Day 14 = A non-fiction book
Day 15 = A fanfic
Day 16 = A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17 = An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
Day 18 = Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 19 = A talent of yours
Day 20 = A hobby of yours
Day 21 = A recipe
Day 22 = A website
Day 23 = A YouTube video
Day 24 = Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 25 = Your day, in great detail
Day 26 = Your week, in great detail
Day 27 = This month, in great detail
Day 28 = This year, in great detail
Day 29 = Hopes, dreams, and plans for next 365 days
Day 30 = Whatever tickles your fancy

paul simon, meme, sja, music, dar williams

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