work is for losers! katy is for winners!

Oct 14, 2009 13:28

Oh man, I meant to write about last night when I woke up this morning, but I got all tied up in this thing for work and also refused to get out of bed for an extra hour because it was cold in my bedroom and warm under the covers. I still have to type up the set list for priscellie. Also, answer LJ comments. Also, finish that work thingy.

(Tonight is Educator's Night at The Bookstore, which means I have to prepare a presentation for the three educators who will probably show up. Awesome.)

But, anyway. Here are some things from last night, in list form!


  • Katy is amazing. Always. Forever. Every time I bring someone to see her perform for the first time, I get nervous that they won't enjoy themselves, but every time they end up adoring her, so I don't know why I worry. It was Katy + strings! They did "200 Stories!" And other songs I like!

  • harmonyangel got me the cutest present ever from Baltimore Comic Con!

  • neurotictealeaf is fantastic. I mean, I knew that, but it had been awhile since I saw her and I forgot exactly how fantastic she is. The answer is "very."

  • There was further discussion of Tim Gunn's encounter with Jack Harkness. It was agreed that Ianto is hella jealous that Jack got to shag Tim Gunn and never mentioned it. He threw his own little passive-agressive hissy fit when he found out. "Ha! His coffee's four degrees cooler than usual. That'll show him..."

  • My snickerdoodles were awesome. While consuming them, harmonyangel made a reference to Wallace's spirit box on Veronica Mars that likened me to Veronica, so that pretty much was made of win XD

  • My awesome default icon has been eaten by LJ. I have cleared my cache and everything and it's just not loading. I will probably change it to something else when I get a minute. Probably this icon of Ianto with a gun, because... well, it's Ianto holding a gun. Look at his little face. (I don't know what it is about Ianto Jones that makes me want to pinch his cheeks and give him a juice box, but I don't question it.)

  • Ask quatredeathlady to explain particle physics to you.

    No, seriously.

Right. I have to finish this work thing, put on a sweater, and actually, you know, go to work. But one day I will have internets time again, just you wait. (But not tonight or tomorrow, because clopening and hate my life.)

torchwood, work: bn, nj!jen, katy and scott, nicole, ianto jones: my badass babyface tv bf, friends

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