
Sep 22, 2009 21:38

Sorry I missed last night's meme! I was out at a screening + Q&A of Dr. Horrible with my friend Steven! I randomly bumped into priscellie and some other people I knew, too! It was like NYC-metro Geek Central!

Anyway, I didn't get home until after midnight and then I went to bed, so... yes.


The premiere of NCIS wasn't super impressive, but I did enjoy the character interactions and I liked seeing the team back together.

I'm now watching NCIS: LA, which I have dubbed NCIS II: Gayer and in California. I don't really care about any of the characters except LL Cool J and Chris O'Donnell, and I am one episode in and I want porn about them SO BADLY. THEY ARE SO IN LOVE. I am so sick.


Ahahaha, so, I sent out my first TW fic (all seventeen thousand fucking words of it) to like, seven different people and already I found mistakes and things I want to change. Whoops! Hopefully I will start hearing back soon. Ugh. I still can't believe I wrote 17k words of GEN Torchwood fic.


day 01 | a song
day 02 | a picture
day 03 | a book/ebook/fanfic
day 04 | a site
day 05 | a youtube clip
day 06 | a quote
day 07 | whatever tickles your fancy

A site? Um. Okay?

I mostly just read online comics, so here is one of my favorites that is less well known:


Patches is a comic about... well... maybe they're hamsters? Or bears? It's hard to tell, okay? And there's not really a storyline or anything. They're just... there. And they are funny! My moodtheme is Patches, and so is this icon!

If you want a jumping off point, feel free to peruse my Patches bookmarks on Delicious.


That is all for today! I will be back tomorrow with more memery!

(Also, go check out my ficathon!)

steven, meme, ncis ii: gayer and in ca, patches, ncis is the new law and order

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