Yo, internet. How's it hanging?
Today was ~*ICE CREAM SOCIAL*~ at work. Aka Employee Bribery Day. We got to wear jeans and t-shirts and sneakers and had ice cream for lunch. Well, ice cream, dip that I brought in, and wings that one of my co-workers brought in. It was supposed to be pot luck, but only two of us (plus the managers who provided the ice cream) participated, so it was kind of lame. But still! Sneakers! Wearing sneakers to work was pretty much the highlight of my week up until that point! (That was prior to watching Psych and prior to seeing Dar Williams tomorrow, so.)
It was a crazy day, but not as surreal as yesterday, as the computers were back up.
Let's see! Tonight was both Eureka and Psych!
Okay, here's the thing, guys. I'm torn. I still ship Jack/Allison, guys! I want them to have the happy future they had in Henry alternate future! But I also love Tess! She's an excellent replacement for Stark!
I don't know guys!
I also don't know about this episode. It was, esentially, a clip show, and while I liked the Jack/Allison moments, I didn't like the fact that Zoe seemed to think she didn't have anything worth sharing. She's been the pinnacle of the solution many times in the past, and it doesn't make sense that she wouldn't understand that. I mean, it was convenient for the plot, but OOC, I felt.
(Also, as usual, NOT ENOUGH HENRY D:< D:< D:< )
Oh well. We'll see what happens in two weeks.
Then Psych happened!
GUYS I LOVE PSYCH. Oh my god. I do. I love it so much. This show makes me so happy. I never stop laughing when I'm watching it, even when I'm freaked out or on the edge of my seat.
This episode, as with all the horror movie homages them do, knocked my socks off. I loved all the little references to The Exorcist and there were points where I was totally freaked out. But I also never stopped laughing. Tears down my cheeks from laughter, at points.
Can I just say that I love that Shawn and Gus have BFF pictures of themselves all over? I nearly died when Gus gestured to the one on Shawn's desk, and one of my favorite parts of last season's finale was the reveal that there's an entire wall of photos of Shawn and Gus together from childhood to the present.
Guys... they're just so adorable. So adorable and so married and so in love and so one of my total OTPs. And Henry is totally cool with Gus being his future son-in-law. He knew Shawn was having relationship trouble with Gus! Hee! :D :D :D
And the laughter. Oh my god, the laughter I get from this show. Despite that fact that the muffin jingle joke was in every commercial for this episode, I still giggled hysterically when it actually happened XD
So, tomorrow is Dar and
quatredeathlady. Tonight I'm going to read some fic, beta something, and try to suss out where to draw the line on this stupid epic Torchwood BFF fic. Then I might try and write some Shawn/Gus porn. But I'm so bad at Shawn! Everytime I try, it turns into a Gus introspection piece. Bah.
Anyway. Um. How are you guys?