good night!

Jun 26, 2009 14:31

After work yesterday I grabbed my friend Lauren and we headed into the city to see Katy Pfaffl's CD preview show at The Living Room.

I think most of you know how much love and affection I have for Katy, her husband Scott, and their music (both together and separately) XD

Anyway, Lauren and I met up with quatredeathlady and moonsheen for dinner before the four of us headed down to The Living Room. We had to wait outside for a little bit, since the show had a cover charge, but I caught up with Katy and Scott while we were waiting ("I always thought when Katy and I got married, we would be grown ups. ....why are you laughing?").

And we finally got inside! And ordered drinks! And the waitress told me her name and said she recognized me from being at so many of Katy's shows! I think that makes me a loser!

But, whatever, you guys don't care about that. What you care about is how awesome the gig is.

(I am pretty much deluding myself into believing you even care about that, but this is my blog, and I'll embrace my delusions.)

The gig was AWESOME. Katy is always great. Nicole and I were talking at her last gig about how every successive gig/album is nine million times better than the one before. All of her gigs and albums are great, but she just keeps getting better. Last night was no exception. She had a whole new incarnation of her band and they add all these new layers to the songs I've been loving for the past couple of years. I cannot wait for the actual album to come out, guys, and as soon as she announces the date for her CD release party, you can bet that I will be peer-pressuring the locals into coming with me!

Here is the set list, with minimum commentary:
Better Days
[Dunno, whoops! I asked Katy and hopefully she'll get back to me.]
New Song!
Fake New Song! (She said this was a new song that was going to be on the album that she was playing as a treat to those who come to lots of gigs. This was a lie--Nicole and I had both heard it before. I think that means we're hardcore.)
I Love You
Fly on the Wall
200 Stories (this song always makes me want to jump up and down and dance. Always! When we saw Katy on the way in, she had her violin on her back and I thought, "Oh man, I hope that means she's going to play 200 Stories!" AND THEN SHE DID. :D)
Encore: For All We Know (Roberta Flack/Donny Hathaway cover)

For the encore, she called Scott up on stage to play the piano and it was sort of awesome and totally sweet. I first got really into Katy and Scott (and got to know them) when they played coffeehouses in New Jersey together. They did that all through high school and through my first two years of college and then released an album and stopped to pursue other musical things, so it's been a long time since I saw them on stage together like that and it brought back a lot of happy memories.

But it was a great show. High energy, a great time, and I think that Lauren really enjoyed herself. Yay!

I'm so glad I went. Getting into the city is always such a hassle and a half at rush hour, and since I hadn't slept in like, three days, I was cranky on top of it, but it made me smile for the rest of the night. I went to sleep with 200 Stories in my head and actually slept for the whole night and everything! It was amazing! I feel like a totally different person now that I've had some sleep!


Today I am going to try and write and also maybe bake and try and catch up with friends I haven't talked to (er, texted or emailed. Actual talking is for lame-os.) in a few days.

katy and scott, music, set list, friends

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