hanging around. or something.

Jun 04, 2009 23:16

Hey, internet!

So, work happened a few times this week. Whatever. You don't want to hear about that. This is what you want to hear about:


Burn Notice is back! Yay! And I watched Cliff Calley's new show, Royal Pains! I liked it! I wasn't sold on the premise immediately, but the characters really pulled me in and some of the jokes were sharp. I already love Cliff Calley and his brother and Divya and Jill, which is a lot for a pilot, even if it was 150% as long as a usual pilot. I am intrigued about all four of them after only one episode, so that bodes well.

Also, I loved this week's IPS. The return of Bobby D! A wonderful Stan-centric plot line! ELEANOR/STAN OH MY GOD HOW CUTE IS THAT? Oh, I just want to hug all of them! ♥ Except Brandi is getting on my nerves again after two weeks of being bearable. Blah. DON'T FUCK UP THIS THING WITH PETER, BRANDI. I'm serious, I will fuck you up.

There weren't any NCISes on today :(



I got a big bag of Reese's Pieces! You hardly ever see the big bag! It made me very happy!

I also got a wonderful package from krabapple because she is best ♥

There will be an in-depth post about those Twilight sweetarts, believe me. I laughed for like, five minutes when I saw them. ONE OF THEM SAYS "DAZZLE." IT IS SPARKLY.

That's it on the present front unless you count S1 of IPS which I ordered for myself to complete by Buy Two Get One Free trifecta for a sale at work. But they are excellent presents XD


tabs i have open:

So, my favorite graphic novel that I read last year is Scott McCloud's Zot! which is a sweet melding of a traditional 50s-ish superhero story and the gritty, disappointing reality of teenage life in the suburbs in the 1980s. It's a story whose characters spoke to me, and HarperCollins has the first 100 pages available for browsing online!

Check it out here! And if you like it, I highly recommend picking up the whole book.

Speaking of books, I already have a list that I want to burn through this summer, and I am not the only one! School Library Journal has a list of what popular children's and YA writers are reading this summer. It is pretty cool and made me geekily excited to see some of my favorites reading the same things as me!

Why is the UK Skulduggery Pleasant website about ninety million times cooler than the US one? Not fair!

(It's also still not fair that I am still waiting for the fourth book impatiently and the third isn't even out in the states yet. SOMEONE ELSE HAS TO READ THIS SO I CAN TALK ABOUT IT, OH MY GOD.)


Okay, I think that's it for now! I am still thinking about something to do with sam_will_stuff, but I think I have to put it on the backburner until after inocciduous and I take over the internet in August. I should have time after that!

I need to write in general. At least finish the first chapter of my kids' novel in time for the June meeting of my critique group.

Unrelatedly, the line, "What did you guys have for dinner, roofies?" will never not be funny.

Anyway, time to read a book and... I don't know. Do something for a little bit until bed time. GOOD NIGHT, INTERNET.

cliff calley's new show, work: bn, skulduggery pleasant, ips, books

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