happiness is...

May 17, 2009 01:24

Ugh, I should be in bed. I have a million things to do tomorrow, but I wanted to make sure I don't forget to write about this eventually:

Yesterday I saw Happiness with Caitlin. Before that, we had a wonderful picnic in the park. We talked to Seb after the show and had ice cream and walked around and talked and it felt like I was a completely different person than the basket case I am at work.

Today was the first meeting of my summer critique group. Only four of the six of us ended up making it there and two of us were an hour later, but it didn't matter. Neither did my nearly crippling cramps. We had a really excellent afternoon talking and writing and eating snacks in Prospect Park. The sun even came out eventually! Afterward, Mark, Chris, and I had dinner and wandered around Brooklyn and it was just... it was really, really lovely.

And I want to go to detail about it, truly, but it's 1:30 and I have to bake a cake tomorrow and also go to a rally with shaeberry, so I really need to be in bed. But I wanted to mark the occasion so I wouldn't forget. Life doesn't always suck. :)

caitlin needs a tag too, seb, critique group, friends, happy

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