hello there, internet

Apr 28, 2009 17:43

Hey, internet. It's been awhile! At least, it feels like it's been awhile.

I get pretty tired after work, which makes LJing a bit of a chore. Frigging retail work is incredibly physically demanding, and I will kill anyone who says otherwise. Well, I would kill them, if I wasn't so tired from work.


Um, so, let's see. What's been going on? On Sunday, I had a wonderful day out with harmonyangel. We went out for lunch, consumed giant frozen drinks (well, I did), and then found the most awesome hidden serial killer mini golf course ever. I will eventually blog about this for real, as I have a zillion pictures of swans, kitschy decorations, and signs. And maybe one of a golf ball.

Other than that, I've mostly been working. And by "mostly" I mean "entirely." I should just buy a cot and set it up behind the desk back in the kids' department. I am very much looking forward to my vacation.

In July.



OKAY. Enough about that. Here are some fannish things for you to consider:

1) The lovely, talented, awesome inocciduous wrote a great Sam/Will snippet in an attempt to cheer my mopey ass up. IT WORKED. You should read it.

2) Maybe this should be a for-real post, but I am fascinated by the evolution of fandom parlance. Take "OTP." "One True Pairing." Initially, people (myself included) used the term to refer to the ONE PAIRING in all of their fandoms that they would jump in front of a train for. Their favorite pairing of all the pairings ever, in all fandoms. Now it's kind of slipped into a more general term for a pairing you like. As in, "On SGA, I ship Sam/Radek, Lorne/Cadman, Cadman/Katie Brown, Lorne/Radek, Teyla/Sam, Teyla/Kate, and Sam/Caldwell, but John/Rodney is my OTP." It's turned into a term for a pairing that you don't want to see broken up. It's not uncommon for people to have more than one OTP now, or even more than one per fandom. (I am looking at you, West Wing fandom! Josh/Donna AND Sam/Will, obvs.)

Anyway. I was thinking about that today at work!

3) I am still rewatching Psych whenever I am not watching NCIS reruns.

4) Except I also got caught up on the two new episodes of IPS and, oh my god, this show owns me. Still. I still hate Mary's sister and mother (and I'm kind of pissed Josh Malina is in Brandi's storyline this season, because that means I can't fast forward through her scenes on my DVR), but all the guys are just as awesome as always and I still want to marry Mary ♥ ♥ ♥ Also, I feel completely justified in my hatred of Brandi and Jinx by Mary's therapist.

5) I am behind on every other teevee show ever.

6) I can't remember what else I wanted to LJ about. Hm. Okay, entry over! Time for a nap and/or more NCIS reruns.

work: bn, nj!jen, teevee, ips, fandom, ncis is the new law and order, friends

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