of course it is raining today...

Apr 06, 2009 11:52

Let's see.
  1. On Friday, I went to a co-worker's birthday party. I was dreading it because I hate parties and people, but it turned out okay! I ended up sitting at the end of the table surrounded by others from The Bookstore and we had a fun time making fun of people we work with talking about things. We also had the best fake sushi ever! The party/dinner was at some sushi place about half an hour away and it was ridiculously expensive. I mean, I probably could have handled buying actual food, but the people around me who were all college students who make just above minimum wage were probably hurting. Anyway, my friend and I decided to order off the vegetarian menu, which was about five bucks per dish, and for the hell of it, we got a peanut butter and jelly roll.

    Oh my god, internet. This was pretty much the most delicious thing I could have imagined!

    We were very pleased, and I think the rest of the table was jealous of our mad thrifty skills and how tasty our dinner was.

    After dinner, we went to a bar in Morristown. It was very loud. I had one drink to be polite and then my friend and I skeedaddled. Ugh. Loudness D:

  2. I am trying to come up with something new to do with sam_will_stuff. I might post a poll over there and see what people are interested in, but I would like to continue to bully people into writing Sam/Will for me. It makes me happy! (The Sam/Will, not the bullying.)

  3. I went to bed pretty miserable last night. It was a mixture of home stuff and friends stuff and work stuff and romantic (or lack there of) stuff, but I was sad and mopey and stayed up probably a little later than I should have in an effort to get over it before bed. I didn't, really, but I felt better when I woke up. Sleep is good like that.

    I mostly okay. Same old stuff, nothing particularly new, but I'm bummed and I need to snap myself out of it. I have friends, there are at least a couple people who like me, et cetera. The same mantras as always. I will be okay.

  4. I locked pretty much all my entries from high school to private. Because nobody wants to see that shit. A lot of the stuff from freshman and sophomore year at Purchase should probably go that way too, but I am too lazy to pick and choose just now.

    Anyway, if there's a particular entry you're looking for that's a broken link, let me know and I'll un-private it for you.

  5. I am going to TDS with my parents today. Yes, in the rain storm. Woo hoo. Stupid rain.

  6. FRIDAY IS CUPCAKE CAMP OMG YES! Steven and I are going together and I am going to make some awesome cupcakes! Hopefully I will be able to take a million pictures.

That is it for today. I am going to write a little bit more of this stupid gay marriage story before I have to leave.

work: bn, steven, cupcakes, slanty face, tds, friends

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