::loud shrieky sounds of joy::

Mar 25, 2009 23:16

Okay, okay, I have some other things to post, BUT FIRST! OH MY GOD. FIRST!

scrollgirl texted me this morning and asked what my screen resolution was. And I had no idea why she cared, but texted her back and then went about my day and then went to work AND THEN I CAME HOME! AND THEN THERE WAS THIS!



I am just... oh, I am overjoyed, internet, I am simply overjoyed. This is amazing. It's beautiful and wonderful and I can't believe someone made art based on my fic! I just can't believe it! IT BOGGLES MY MIND! But in a wonderful, wonderful way! This made my night nine million times better, let me tell you. THANK YOU, SCROLL, YOU ARE THE BEST! ♥ ♥ ♥

Oh, I'm so flattered internet. And so happy!


Today we had a bookfair at work, which is why I was in late. I closed for the first time in months and I had to remember how to do that properly. Also, I'm getting sick and I got a KILLER sinus headache around four pm that I had to basically ignore until the bookfair was over at eight. FUN TIMES.

Anyway, some weird things that made my day weirder:
1. While the principal was reading, it struck me that he seemed very familiar. Halfway through the first story, I realized he was my fifth grade chorus teacher. After his reading, I went up to him and asked if he taught at my elementary school fifteen years ago and he said, "Yes! It was my first year teaching! Fourth and fifth grade chorus! Did I have you?" So that was weird!

2. But it got a little weirder when he said, "This is the chorus teacher at my school now!" and pulled over a kid I went to high school with who lives on my street. We had a moment of, "Oh my god, you live on my street and chitchatted for awhile, but... yeah. Weird string of coincidences.

With my sinus headache in full force, I had to convince myself not to write a note to my... employees? Co-workers? What do you call the people who work under you? I think I'll just call them minions.

Anyway, I had to convince myself that being exhausted, sick, and headachey was not the ideal set of conditions to write a departmental note. Because it would have consisted of something like, "Oh my god, are you all stupid? How many frigging times do I have to tell you to do something before it's done right? I've written notes, I've talked to you in person about it, and now there are STICKY NOTES ON THE SHELVES IN QUESTION telling you what to do and you're STILL messing up! If you don't start paying attention, I will KILL YOU ALL WITH MY BARE HANDS and then we'll be in trouble because there will be no children's department. You'll all be dead and I'll be in jail for your murders."

A little extreme, perhaps. Especially because it's not that big of a deal. And my minions are mostly very competent. But this one little thing has been pissing me off lately.


Okay, it's 11:30, I'm delirious, and I need to be at work at eight. I will catch you later, internet.

work: bn, sam/will, love, scroll, fic: iowa

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