two memes!

Mar 19, 2009 17:47

Oh my god, internet, I want to skewer my reproductive organs, because that would be less painful than this :(

To take my mind off of that, here are two memes.

The Fic Commentary Meme!

I have actually never done this one. You know how it goes. Pick a story of mine (and if you're the one person who cares about my original stories, hi Jen, you can pick one of those if you really want. The commentary would be pretty boring, though.), any story you want, and I will go through and tell you what I was thinking when I wrote it.

As a disclaimer, I am pretty boring and I don't entirely understand how I write. But I've never done this one, and it could be fun! My TWW fic is here, my SGA fic is here, and I'll do my best to talk about whatever else you can dig up.


That icon meme or whatever

1. How do you feel right now?

2. What's your favorite pastime?

3. Do you consider yourself a strange person?

4. What's your favorite fandom? (currently, btw)

5. OTP?

6. How do you describe yourself?

7. How do others describe you?

8. Do you have an icon of your future husband/wife?


9. Do you have a LOLWUT icon?


Ow ow ow ow ow D: D: D:

meme, feminine w0es

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