this was supposed to be a one-liner. it turned into a thing about weddings and cupcakes.

Mar 17, 2009 20:53

I am having way too much fun writing Tom Bailey, Sam, Toby, and Josh in a room together, guys. Like, way too much fun.

(Normally that's the sort of thing I would tweet, but I feel like I've totally spammed Twitter tonight, although I think most of those were @replies to inocciduous.)

Um, in other news, today I went to work and started my death week and tries to perform a hysterectomy in the breakroom with the plastic fork I was using to eat cake. Yay.

After work, I came home and looked at pictures of cupcakes. Because--oh yeah! I totally forgot to blog about this! Last week, I went out to dinner with saidlian_nataly and moonsheen. This was WONDERFUL, as I haven't seen either of them in MONTHS and I missed them quite a bit. THEY ARE MY FRIENDS. I NEED THEM IN MY LIFE MORE OFTEN :(

Anyway. Caitlin is getting married! In over a year, but still! She's... well, I can't say she's the first person I know to get engaged, as miseryloves_ (who doesn't use her LJ anymore, but it's easier to refer to her as that than as "Emily," because I know eighty Emilys) got engaged a week before Caitlin, but Caitlin's engagement is the first one that I've been involved with. As Alex said that night, Caitlin is the first of us to get married (and probably by a long shot as neither Alex nor I have a significant other right now) so we're excited and it probably won't wear off for awhile. She kept chastising herself for bringing up the wedding because she didn't want to bore us, to which we eagerly responded, "OMG YOU'RE NOT BORING TELL US MORE!"

It is really nice. I mean, I'm sure as I get older and more people I know get married and I am left alone, I will start to become bitter and angry, but for now, I'm really happy and excited for Caitlin and Joe, and eager to help however I can.

Which comes back to cupcakes! Caitlin asked me if I could help out by making cupcakes for the reception, and I'm pretty psyched about it. I like to look at pictures of cupcakes and bookmark them for future ideas. Also, it gives me about a year to take some classes and do some trial and error to learn how to do exciting decorating things so that the cupcakes can look at least marginally professional.

And now I forget where the whole cupcake thing was going. Crap. Um. Anyway. That is happening and I am excited.


So, I'm going to go finish the ficlet I am working on and take some more pain pills. On Friday, I have a baking date with some friends from The Bookstore and Saturday Katy is playing in the city. Of course, no one wants to come with me yet, so I might not be going, but, you know, I'm looking forward to it anyway XD

(Yeah, if you're in the area, Katy Pfaffl is playing at The Living Room on Saturday night at 8:30. It's free to get in and there's a one-drink minimum. It'll be a good time, I promise! Comment here or e-mail me if you'd like to go!)

Right. Back to writing.

eta: OH I FORGOT TO MENTION! Guess who is hopefully coming to visit me a week before my birthday and a couple weeks after hers? If you guessed inocciduous, you would be right! If you guessed anyone else, you get points for trying.

work: bn, alex has a tag, caitlin needs a tag too, feminine w0es, weddings

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