dar williams! (and a rant)

Mar 13, 2009 23:17

First off, the part that has nothing to do with Dar:
I'm really uncomfortable with tww_full_lid referring to EMILY's List as a "pro-abortion" group and linking to a conservative newsletter. Does that make me a bad person? I mean, this might just be holdover from my PP days, but "pro-choice" and "anti-choice" are just ingrained in my vocabulary and I have a knee-jerk reaction to the type of people I had to deal with who said things like "pro-abortion." Abortion isn't the issue! Most pro-choice people aren't in favor of abortions--in fact, they'd like fewer abortions. But it's more important to them that a woman have the ability to make that decision for herself.

I know, I know, I'm spewing rhetoric, but I can't help it. It's an issue that's still very dear to me. And I guess I feel like a show as liberal as TWW would attract that sort of fan as well. I almost commented and said something before I realized that would be me pushing my political opinion onto fandom and decided to keep my mouth shut.


ANYWAY, THAT ASIDE, I saw Dar tonight and she was WONDERFUL. Oh guys, she's always wonderful, but it was great to be sitting and to be super close to the stage and just... oh. It was lovely.

It was a little place that was mostly taken up by restaurant tables, save for three short, squished rows of chairs up front. My mom and I waited until the last minute and couldn't get dinner reservations, so we ended up in the row of cramped chairs. Still! They were seats, not entirely uncomfortable, and we were very close :)

She played a good mix of new and old songs, as usual.

The Easy Way
Road Buddy (which was weird. I associate "Road Buddy" with a particular friend I haven't spoken with in a long time. I've also had several dreams about this friend in the recent past. I think this is a sign that I need to write her a letter or something.)
The Tide Falls Away
Book of Love (She told the cutest story about this, about how a bunch of friends don't have to tour as much any more because people keep using their songs in teevee shows so they get lots of money. So, she was trying to psych herself up into writing one of these songs, the kind they play in that scene when the couple is walking across a bridge on a misty, rainy, romantic afternoon, but she just couldn't do it. She went on about Noah's Ark and the giraffes going with the giraffes and how sometimes maybe a giraffe wants to go with a hippo and sometimes [like in this song] the giraffe just wants to curl up with a good book.)
If I Wrote You
Buzzer (She started this one by saying, "Imagine you're watching Grey's Anatomy and--I don't know where that takes place. Is it New York?" Someone yelled out Seattle. "Seattle, okay. It's a misty, rainy afternoon in Seattle, and the main character is walking by the water and the music supervisor is going through the music to pick a song and says, 'Yes! This one, about behavioral experiments!'")
The One Who Knows
Calling the Moon (which is not my favorite song of hers and she played it on request, so I was a little bummed.)
I Had No Right (which IS a favorite song that I have never heard live before! Awesome!)
Midnight Radio
Cool As I Am
Babysitter's Here
Mercy of the Fallen
After All (♥ ♥ ♥ I videoed this one!)
Christians and the Pagans

You know, she always does a sing along to "As Cool As I Am" and I definitely cry every single time at that point where she stops playing and everyone sings "And then I go outside and join the others / I am the others." Because. Oh. It's just this sense of community that I always get at her gigs. I don't even have to talk to anyone, but everyone there gets it, you know? It's just wonderful, guys. I'm so happy when I'm at a Dar gig.

And, you know, Paul Simon is probably my 100% favorite artist. I've seen him three times, but each of those times I've been so awed and amazed that I'm just exhausted. Dar is completely different. I adore her and her music and her gigs just make me so happy. Oh man. I could really just listen to her play all night. She did two encores and I would have stayed there for hours more if she had kept coming out.

Anyway, it was a great show, guys. I had an awesome time and I'll post the video and (two) pictures I took later. I had forgotten I even had my camera with me. Whoops!


Okay, a little more writing and then bed. Yay! I have the whole day off tomorrow and absolutely no plans!

concerts, fandom, feminism, dar williams, tww, politics

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