oh, sam's fake fiancee...

Feb 19, 2009 21:49

Oh man. My own brand of canon has completely warped my sense of The West Wing. I just got two trivia questions about Sam wrong on Facebook because I forgot that Sam didn't REALLY break up with his fiancee and get together with Will, I just made that up.

Like, eight times. Guys, I made that up like, EIGHT TIMES. In many different ways. I think I actually had Sam sleep with Will before breaking up with her in one story, which is usually a BIG no-no with me. I really hate cheating. But, in my defense, I had temporarily forgotten she existed and by the time I remembered, I was halfway done with the fic.

God, it's like when I was back in the Rent fandom and every fic was a new adventure in killing Mimi. GOOD TIMES.


I am bleeding to death. Or, possibly, my ovaries are trying to escape my body. Or, possibly, I am going to die from having taken 2340982390482340 OTC (note: I typed "OTP" three times before I got that right) painkillers over the course of the day.

Or maybe all three are happening at once. That's kind of what it feels like.


I am going to see scrollgirl tomorrow! Hopefully! We are in a bit of a bind with her not having a working phone, so I'm waiting for an e-mail about when we are meeting. But whenever it is, it is going to be the best! I'm happy to be seeing someone I love and don't get to see much.

Also, I talked to krabapple today! This is important because she is Busy With School and has mostly disappeared from the internet. But we texted! It was lovely ♥ I miss her. Which I just told her, but now I am saying it in public. I MISS HER.

Also, frig, I still have to talk about THE MOST AWESOME MUSEUM EVER. I should do it before I forget about it! But, in the meantime, f you want to read inocciduous's take on Saturday (well, like, three Saturdays ago when we went to the opera), you should check it out! She talks about things I failed to mention, like our shared look of, "Oh My God They Are Totally Doing It."


Ugh, I have so much stuff to do for this event on Sunday, still. I actually took work home with me. I WORK IN A BOOKSTORE. I SHOULD NOT BE TAKING WORK HOME WITH ME, UNLESS THAT WORK IS READING A NEW BOOK SO I CAN SELL IT TO KIDS. I have to finish my Presidential trivia poster/worksheet. I'll take photos when I'm done. Hopefully, it will be awesome.

I labeled all the presidential portraits with my nicknames for the Presidents, like "Drunky" and "Worst President EVER," and "Officially the Worst President Ever." That last one is actually longer than just writing "Buchanan," but I need to make my own fun while doing this or else I'll go insane.


I'm going to write or something. I'm sorry my life is so boring, internet.

work: bn, sam, friends, feminine w0es, the utahraptor to my trex, jen is awesome!, scroll, tww

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