V-Day plans are afoot...

Jan 05, 2009 18:29

I already did a Facebook invitation to my "local friends" group on Facebook, but for those of you not on Facebook... well, here it is. One of the things I'm doing for 14valentines is having a letter-writing party at my house on February 13th. I feel like most of you are more educated on V-Day, so I don't have to go into a history lesson, but it's an issue that I'm close to and I like to do what I can.

Since I don't have the money to do anything on a massive local or global scale, what I can do is have people over and give them a time and a place to write letters. All sorts of letters! Letters to politicians thanking them for their support of women's right, letters to politicians admonishing them for supporting anti-woman bills. Letters to your female heroes, to activists you admire, to writers whose words have helped you, to your mom, to your grandmother, to, you know, whoever.

There will be snacks and movies and some liquor, probably, and arts and crafts supplies. You're welcome to bring your own of any of those things as well, of course! It will be a pretty low-key evening, and I think you should come if you're local.

The Facebook Event is here, if that's easier for you, or you can comment here and tell me if you're coming, or you can e-mail me or call me.


Anyway, other than that, today I answered comments and watched eight hundred hours of SGA on SciFi. SEASON TWO FTW, GUYS. I haven't written much, though. Whoops. ::shifty eyes::

v-day, 14valentines

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