Jan 02, 2009 00:23
I'm watching the Twilight Zone marathon while writing my first story of the year and I just had the WEIRDEST juxtoposition of commercials! There was a Mirena (birth control) commercial that ended with Mirena's tag line, "Make life simple!"
The next commercial was for some Vin Diesel movie and started with the line, "Life is simple: Kill or be killed."
(or something like that.)
It was pretty cool.
Relatedly, I keep seeing commercials for "Vegas" on the SciFi Channel, and the way they cut the part where Rodney says, "You know, I met another version of you once..." so forlornly... it really sounds, when you're not looking at the screen, like they're in bed and Rodney is telling John about his ex-boyfriend who left him abruptly for unforeseen circumstances. It's making me want to write a fic where Rodney hooked up with an alternate!universe John and finds his universe's John and hooks up with him, too, and is incredibly disappointed because this John isn't his John and nothing is right.
I'm sure this has been done a million times before, but it doesn't make me want it any less. OH, PINING!RODNEY.
It's going to take me forever to get to the part of this story where Danny kisses Alan on camera. Also, I want cake.
fic i'm totally not writing