Dec 17, 2008 22:03

So, someone linked me over to fandomsecrets because there was a secret about Psych that referenced something we had discussed many, many times and... well, okay. First off, it took me about two seconds to remember why I NEVER GO OVER THERE. FRUSTRATION ABOUNDS. Fandom is supposed to be my happy place and I do not like my blood pressure rising.

THAT BEING SAID, this is what I gleaned from skimming comments for five seconds:

1) I didn't read all the secrets, but apparently one of them was about politics because EVERY OTHER COMMENT was about how people have been involved in politics OMG SINCE THEY WERE IN KINDERGARTEN! and how dare some secret accuse them of only caring about Obama and Rahm because they're hot!!!11! I think there's a liiiiittle too much protestation there for me to take them seriously, and I'm not just saying that as someone who thinks political slash is kind of gross. I mean, maybe I was just a retarded child or something, but I mostly played in the sandbox and swang on the swings when I was in kindergarten. I didn't get involved in politics until I was about 14 years old. But, like I said, maybe I'm a slow learner.

3) Something happened in the show Robin Hood and people are either pussies for allowing the show to effect them so much or rightfully angry at the horrible thing that happened. Not being familiar with the show and not actually reading the comments, I wasn't sure what this thing was, but people had very strong opinions on it.

And this is the one that drove me to make this post:

2) THE PSYCH FANDOM DRIVES ME FUCKING CRAZY. And this is where I veer into wank. I'm sorry, guys, I try not to air my dirty laundry on the journal unless I lock it, but yes, internet, when you have to spend hours searching to find a Shawn/Gus fic that you haven't read, but Shawn/Lassiter is everywhere, the fandom may be a little racist.

Oooo! I said the 'r' word! And I'm a white girl! God forbid!

But all of these comments on f!s were like, "They're just too good friends! I can't ship them! That would be incest!" And... dude, worst excuse EVER. Just about every fandom I can think of slashes the buddies before moving on to anything else. The only fandoms I can think of that DON'T immediately slash the buddies are the ones that slash the BROTHERS before anything else, so there go both sides of your argument.

ARGH. It just makes me so angry. Shawn/Gus! They're so loveable! And in love with each other! There should be a million and one fics about them! Crazy AUs! High school stories! Accidentally married! Didn't know they were dating! Jealousy! Everything other the sun, guys!

I feel a little hypocritical saying this all, though, because Psych is one of those shows that I love reading but can't really write all that well? So I'm nervous to try and break into it, but I just want to spend all day reading about Shawn and Gus' antics, Lassiter be damned.


Anyway, I am feeling so much better just... getting this off my chest. :)

anger, fandom, psych

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