eat a turkey or two...

Dec 07, 2008 18:47

Okay! So, yesterday was supposed to be our big anti-write-in winning NaNo celebration, but SOMEONE who will remain NAMELESS got sick and like a PUSSY decided not to come. So instead, Nicole and I just went to see Scott.

Before that, I headed from Brooklyn to Midtown Manhattan to give Seb the pie I made for him and Steph. He was very grateful, despite the fact that he didn't believe I actually made the pie at first. MAYBE WE WILL HANG OUT AT SOME POINT. Probably not, as we have been saying that for (literally) years and shit keeps coming up.

Anyway, after talking to him I got my parents' Christmas present and then met up with Nicole and Christine. The place we were going to eat was closed for a private party (wtf! who does that?!), so we wandered around and eventually ended up at a dinery place. We wandered around the Union Square holiday market afterwards, once Christine left to go to a movie. I got THE BEST MITTENS EVER while we were there. I'll see if my TwitPic of them went through. Okay, it hasn't yet, but I will come back and link to it when it does. (wtf, why did I just write all that out?) But believe me, THEY ARE THE BEST MITTENS EVER. OKAY HERE THEY ARE.

Once we had the mittens, we wandered back down to The Living Room. I forgot to make a setlist, because I am awesome like that. I will ask Scott for it at some point in the future. But the gig was great, as usual. It was a nice mix of a few old-ish songs and some really new stuff. GOOD TIMES WERE HAD. Good times that led to us returning to Nicole's to consume pie, cupcakes, and holiday specials.

First we watched A Muppet Family Christmas, aka my favorite Christmas special EVER. It was JUST AS GOOD AS I REMEMBERED. If not better! I had totally forgotten one of the best parts! Bert and Ernie meet Doc!
Ernie: Did you know 'Doc' starts with the letter 'D'?
Doc: ...Yes, I did.
Bert: 'Yes' starts with the letter 'Y'!
Doc: True...
Ernie: 'True' starts with the letter 'T'!
Doc: What is this?
Bert: Where we come from, this is small talk.

But really, guys, if any franchise did this today... I mean, let's summarize! All the Muppets go to Fozzie's Mom's farm for Christmas. Doc and Sprocket were renting a room at the farm house. The Sesame Street characters random come by caroling and then stay as well, and halfway through the night, Robin discovers a Fraggle Cave and takes Kermit into Fraggle Rock. Also, at one point, they watch a movie of Muppet Babies. Guys, it's like the crackiest crossover fic you can think of writing. It's like if Dick Wolf decided there would be an NYPD Christmas Party, and the casts of L&O, SVU, and CI all accidentally locked themselves in a room together and had antics. Jim Henson himself even appears at the end to do dishes. It is, in short, the perfect Christmas Special.

Now I want to watch it again. IT IS JUST AS AMAZING TODAY AS IT WAS IN 1987, GUYS.

The other thing we watched as Garfield's Christmas Special, which led us to believe that the eighties were a cracktastic decade and we should be thankful we remember very little of it. Jon takes Garfield and Odie to the farm for Christmas. Garfield makes friends with Grandma. Doc Boy is there. Everyone sings and eats a lot of food, and there is a heart warming moment where Garfield finds Grandma the perfect present. But I can't describe the CRAZINESS in words. It's just too much, guys. Especially this last song, where they sing about Christmas down on the farm and Doc Boy pulls out TWO TURKEYS. FROM NOWHERE. They just appear in his hands. We almost died from laughter.

Anyway, we went to bed not long after that. Today we watched The Lake House and made fun of it. We really only watched it so we COULD make fun of it. Keanu Reeves' two expressions were both used effectively in the movie, but as ineffectively, as his "I'm going to sneeze" face continues to be the same as his "I am sad that my dad died" face. I am still very vexed at the fact that they never explained how their random MEDDLING IN TIME didn't destroy the universe. Stupid movie.

Now I am home! I need to eat something, go over the story I am posting tonight one more time, and then... do nothing. Yay!

muppets, katy and scott, movies, nicole, seb, christmas 08

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