life round up?

Dec 01, 2008 13:09

Let's do a little review of my life, shall we? Now that I am no longer trying to write as much as possible in one month, I feel like I can breathe again until I figure out what I'm doing for Advent.

Brendan was home for a little over a week. He just left a few hours ago. I kind of miss him. I know that makes me a loser, but now that he's back to being a buddy and not a jackass, it's nice to have someone else kicking around my parents' house.

Thanksgiving was pretty mellow. We went over to my aunt's house and ate a lot of food. My whole family and some of her friends were there. Brendan and I made a lot of tasteless jokes. I ate a lot of dessert food, and we left when my uterus started to protest being upright. My aunt left on a cruise for two weeks on Saturday, but gave me a cheesecake before she left.

The day after Thanksgiving, darkgod_touda and I tried to go to the Henry Moore exhibit at the Botanical Gardens. It was unsuccessful on many levels, possibly due to karma. Right before I left, one of my friends from work (who is also technically my boss) posted on her Facebook wall about going to work on Black Friday (which isn't really that crazy at The Bookstore, comparatively). I posted back, "Have fun with that, I am going to the Botanical Garden!" Anyway, after dragging ourselves all the way to the ass-end of the Bronx, going THE WRONG WAY out of the subway (okay, but not really the wrong way. The directions said, "go down the hill," so we did, but there were TWO HILLS, so fuck you, directions!), and finally doubling back and getting there a few hours before closing, we discovered that the Train Show had started and we needed TICKETS to get in and they were SOLD OUT.

Um, it was kind of hilarious.

Anyway, we decided to go back to Manhattan and have dinner, which we did, and then go for cupcakes, which was another series of blunders. We walked down from Union Square to the Lower East Side to try Sugar Sweet Sunshine. When we got over there, it was closed. Never fear, there was another cupcakery that was only a few blocks away! And that one was also closed.

We ended up walking back over to Union Square to go to the new Crumbs location. I had really wanted to try something new, but Crumbs is good, too XD It was nice, though. A good night for walking, and it was just really fabulous to talk to Corey. Prior to Nicole's birthday party, I hadn't seen him in years. Aw. I had a lot of fun just bumming around.

Saturday and Sunday I had to work. Rather, Saturday I had to work and Sunday I agreed to take my boss' shift because she wasn't feeling well. The Bookstore does a holiday book drive every year, and our recipient is an organization that gives a new pair of pajamas and a new book to local needy children. To promote the organization and the book drive, we're having a pajama storytime next Saturday, and we had decided that our department would wear pajamas on Saturday and Sunday to advertise.

Guess who was the only idiot wearing pajamas both days?

My boss left early on Saturday. She had been wearing pajamas, but she left an hour after I came in. On Sunday, the girl who was supposed to be working with me was also sick. She had planned on wearing pajamas but obviously wasn't there. After being made fun on constantly (by the staff) on Saturday, I decided that if she didn't come in, I wasn't going to wear mine all day. Of course, I left my street clothes in the car and it was raining, so I couldn't change until lunch. It was hilarious.

The Bookstore was also busy as hell the last two days, and this feels like the first time I've sat down in an age. Between walking all day Friday and standing and running around all day Saturday and Sunday, I am completely beat. The couch is a lovely, lovely place to be right now.


That is my life for the past week, internet! It is only slightly more exciting than the last scene I posted in my NaNo novel, in which Alan and Danny talk for 1k and Alan takes a shower. Oh, I need to take a shower.

Also, today supposedly starts Advent, which is something that has no religious connotation on this journal, but rather refers to a practice I started about two years ago of posting something, ANYTHING creative for 24 days in a row. It was kind of a personal challenge, a "I'm going to do this to see if I can do this!" sort of thing. I don't know why I'm going to do it NOW after proving to myself that I could write 55k in one month, but apparently I am a stickler for tradition.

Also, I am crazy.

I have no idea what I'm going to post yet. The first year I did a series of 24 really boring ficlets in which Alan prepared for Christmas. (With, you know, Danny and Felicity and Doug and Tristan and everyone.) Last year it was whatever random crap I could find to work on. This year it will either be fannish drabbles or excerpts from the NaNo novel, but I feel like kind of a cop-out doing that, since it would kind of force you to read the 55k that came before it. Maybe I will post NaNo excerpts on pocky_slash_365 and other stuff here. Maybe I will go crazy and run away from the internet screaming. YOU NEVER KNOW.

work: bn, boy child, advent 08, family stuff, thanksgiving, nano, friends, writing: nano, christmas 08

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