videos! music! this is a post of love!

Oct 21, 2008 20:43

Sooo, rewinding back to Friday, quatredeathlady, moonsheen and I went to see Katy play at the Canal Room. As I said previously, it was the best gig ever and I managed to take videos for all you LOSERS WHO DIDN'T COME. Because you are losers. In case that wasn't clear.

Anyway. I got five videos and they are under the cut. DO NOT CLICK THE CUT IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO LOAD FIVE EMBEDDED VIDEOS.

Okay, so, as a warning, my leprosy* started acting up from holding the camera up, thus my wrist started to ache and my hand started to shake. I apologize for the, you know, shakiness.

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Fly on the Wall! Um, I love this song. I was going to wait until I started videoing because when I turned on the camera it went from four bars of battery to two as soon as I hit record, but I had to get this song, so I jumped right in and started recording, even though I missed the beginning. AWESOME :D Unfortunately, I couldn't get the whole stage from where I was sitting, so the back up singers are cut off.

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Underneath! I love this song even more. Seriously. This is my new most favorite Katy song. This was the one I really wanted to video, so of course, after I turned off the camera and started to rest my wrist, they launched right into it. I missed the beginning, but got most of it. this song is just SO AWESOME with the band and the strings and Katy and... oh gosh, it just makes me so happy. (PS: Also, leupagus, moonsheen and I once decided that Rodney totally sings this song into his hairbrush all the time.)

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Better Days! Funny story time! Before she started this song, Katy told a story about how he had played an Obama rally and was concerned that the guy introducing her wouldn't be able to pronounce her name. She gave him a card with her named spelled phonetically and "Fah-full rhymes with waffle" and figured that she'd be okay, at which point the guy introduced her as "Katy Waffle." So, after telling us to never ever call her that, she started this song and forgot the words in the middle of the first verse. I, of course, got the whole thing on camera (in addition to the actual song) so WATCH THE VIDEO TO FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS NEXT.

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How I Love You! This was a new song the last time I saw her play, but that was like, two months ago. But it's very sweet and is sekritly on my Danny Stevens playlist. Or, it would be if I had an MP3 of it. It's on my mental Danny Stevens playlist, along with a lot of sappy songs he won't admit to listening to and also a lot of Simon and Garfunkel and Bruce Springsteen.

eta: Here is a funny quote/story from later in the evening that is vaguely related to the above:
Kait: Oh my god, when I was on the bus, Milo [my iPod] shuffled to a BNL song that I haven't heard in an age and it was so Danny Stevens that I can't stop thinking about it. I almost turned around and went right back home to write a story about it.
Nicole: It's a good thing you didn't, you would have missed Katy.
Kait: Yeah, plus I was on the bus and I don't think he would have turned around just because I wanted to go home and write a story.

(The song is "For You" and it makes Danny, specifically newscaster!AU!Danny, all knotted up and upset inside.)

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200 Stories! Look at how awesome this song is! Look at the violin! Isn't that awesome? Oh gosh, guys, this show made me so happy! ♥

* Okay, I do not actually have "leprosy," that's just what I call one of my myriad of wrist problems because of something funny that happened on House once. I think. It's been so long I can hardly remember. Anyway, the other wrist/arm problem that I have is AIDStroke. Long story.

So yay! Video recap! Stay tuned to pocky_slash over the next couple days for more blogging about things that actually happened weeks ago! :D

katy and scott, music, videos, writing: danny

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