internet! ::shakes fist::

Oct 15, 2008 23:39

Our internet went out again today. That's three times in three days. NOT COOL, CABLEVISION.

Anyway, it's back now. It's been back since Project Runway ended. Speaking of, let's talk about Project Runway spoilers! I was spoiled for it already, but how much do I LOVE that Tim was a judge? SO MUCH. Oh my god, I love him so much. My mom made a remark about him being annoyingly over the top and I told her she needed to immediately take it back because he is Tim and wonderful.

Um. Right. Anyway. Like I said last week, I wish I could say Kenley's collection sucked, because then I would feel justified in hating her and not wanting her to be there, but I can't. I didn't love it, but it wasn't horrible. There were some weirdass things in there, though. That one black dress looked SO weird and I couldn't figure out what the hell made it look so weird. But. Damn. The shape was just off.

It was down to Korto and Leanne for me, and I kind of wanted Leanne to get it, but I would totally respected Korto getting it. I was pleasantly surprised with how it turned out. I felt terrible for Korto, but I was thrilled that Leanne got it. OH LEANNE. It made me happy.

I'm kind of bummed that there's no reunion episode this season, but I TOTALLY CALLED THE MOST MEMORABLE RUNWAY MOMENT. It was, in fact, the one I voted for. AWESOME.


I did not watch the debate tonight. What is there to watch? Honestly? What could I glean from this debate that I haven't gleaned from the past two and the EIGHTEEN MONTHS OF CAMPAIGNING?

At the lecture on Friday, Peter Sagal and Christopher Buckley both spoke on the fact that other countries have like, four weeks from the time candidacy is announced until people vote. It's just insane here. Seriously. I am actually interested in politics and already burnt out. I can't imagine what people who don't care are feeling. WHY CAN'T IT JUST BE NOVEMBER ALREADY? Let's get this over with.

Anyway. I didn't watch the debate, but I did watch TDS and TCR and I am totally psyched that Stephen has one of those Sports!Jesus statues that I always threaten to buy. I prefer the hockey one, but the baseball one that he had was also acceptable. And now Stephen and Tina Brown are talking about Christopher Buckley's endorsement of Obama and subsequent firing from the National Review (which STILL blows my mind!). FULL CIRCLE, GUYS.


Today was the If You Give a Cat a Cupcake storytime. I did it all myself. I think it went all right. Tomorrow night I have the Educator's Reception. Hopefully that will also go all right.

work: bn, pr, tcr, books, tds, politics

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