
Aug 17, 2008 20:50

So, I haven't updated since Tuesday. I know you're all distraught beyond reason, and I apologize for any mental anguish I've caused you. I'M HERE FOR YOU NOW, INTERNET.

Okay, let's think. Wednesday was AWESOME. I was off from work and went into Manhattan to meet up with saidlian_nataly, who I haven't seen in an obscenely long time. It was LOVELY. I showed her Rodney the Kindle and then we wandered around Times Square looking for somewhere to eat. We ended up at a Thai restaurant that was across the street from where this little hole-in-the-wall Chinese place I liked used to be. The food was good, but there was some crazy guy in the restaurant who was complaining about something? Loudly? I wasn't paying attention to him, but the waitress apologized for him about three times.

Afterwards we swung by TKTS, but there wasn't anything good that we could afford, so we randomly decided to walk down town and go to a cupcakery in my best NY desserts book. It was Babycakes, where I've been before (well, I haven't actually BEEN there, but I've had their cupcakes) and we were investigating because we are planning on having as many types of delicious allergen-free cupcakes as possible in the bakery we are going to open together when we win the lottery or inherit a gazillion dollars or someone gives up money randomly.

We walked and talked and it was good times, except that I was wearing really weird socks that fell all the way down and then gave me terrible blisters D: But aside from that, it was awesome. I had a great scone and a cupcake and it was awesome. It was even more awesome to spend the whole night with Caitlin and make ~*plans*~ to hang out in the future. ~*PLANS*~!

Thursday I had to work and then was sort of guilted into going to my friend's boyfriend's band. She neglected to mention it was a hardcore punk band. I pretty much wanted to die. Then I wanted to die even more when it took us FOUR HOURS to get home because my friend got lost. DIE DIE DIE I WANTED TO DIE. I was ENRAGED.

Luckily, Friday happened soon after that to make everything better. My dad and I went to see the Bodies Exhibition down at South Street Seaport. It was his Father's Day present but it took this long for us to have time off together to go. It was interesting! I learned a lot of things! Plus, I think my dad really liked it. We met up with my Uncle Danny and Aunt Sonia afterwards and got some dinner, and then moonsheen called and I went back uptown to meet her!

We had a lovely bitch session at a sushi place on St. Mark's and then it began to pour, so we ducked into K-Mart to get an umbrella since there were no street vendors selling any (!!!!). Of course, when we got out it had already stopped raining. We went over to The Strand afterwards and bought a gazillion children's books each. From there we walked down to the Living Room and waited around for Katy's gig to start. Yay!

It was pretty much one of the greatest Katy gigs I've ever been to. I tragically TOTALLY FORGOT to make a setlist, but she played a bunch of new songs, a bunch of older songs, and it was OFF THE WALL. Pfafll-Rock, as she called it, and there was a lot of cheering and being totally gleeful and happy because it was just full of energy and goodness. I'll have to see if I can get a setlist off of Katy of something because it was truly awesome beyond the telling.

We left as soon as it was over so I could try and make the 10:30 bus and I juuuust made it and it was the perfect ending for the day. GOOD TIMES.

Um, yesterday I worked, it was boring. Today I went shopping for a bathing suit with no luck because my stupid tits are too big to fit into bathing suits off the rack. God dammit. When I came home, I accidentally fell asleep on the couch, which was bad because I have to work tomorrow at eight.

In summary: my former roommates are AWESOME and I love them. So are Katy and my dad. My co-worker is in hot water. Bathing suits are evil.


So, here is something that I love: Rodney the Kindle. I keep uploading fic onto him to read at leupagus's suggestion and it had MADE MY LIFE INFINITELY BETTER. I've bought a few books and those are awesome as well. It is SO USEFUL AND FILLED WITH WONDER. I love it so much.

alex has a tag, katy and scott, family stuff, rodney the kindle, caitlin needs a tag too, cupcakes

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