i am nothing if not predictable

Jul 29, 2008 23:20

So, in going through all the prompts for Porn Battle, I have learned a few things:

  1. I really need to actually submit prompts instead of just thinking about it because...
  2. No one loves Will Bailey D:
  3. No, really, no one except my f-list loves Will. He is not in a single prompt :( Last time there was Sam/Will, at least. This time if I write TWW it will be either CJ/Kate or Josh/Donna.
  4. Or Sam/Rodney McKay? Because someone submitted that and now I can't stop thinking about it.
  5. I'm totally serious.
  7. Except it would be hilarious, and maybe hot.
  8. Maybe instead of writing Porn Battle submissions, I will write girl!sex involving characters that Kate Hewlett has played.
  9. Because that's not creepy or anything.
  10. I do not know why this entire post is in list form.

Realy? Sam (Seaborn)/Rodney? Could I even make that work? Does it even matter?

(This post is brought to you by the fact that my life is so boring lately that I will spare you the actual details.)

sga, fic i'm totally not writing, tww

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