I am sitting here, clearing off my DVR, watching what is probably the best episode of Without a Trace that has ever existed. There are lesbians, bowling jokes, New Jersey mobsters, Danny going crazy doing menial office work, and now Danny and Jack are singing. Um, seriously, does this really exist, or have I fallen asleep and hallucinated the last forty-five minutes? The only downside is that my DVR cut off the last ten seconds, which I'm sure was Jack putting on the latest tie that Ann bought for him.
I seriously don't remember this episode the first time it aired, which is crazy because I watched this season religiously because of Martin's hilarious pill addiction! (Oh my god, remember when Martin stole pills from Allison Smith's medicine cabinet because Martin has the whitest pain ever?)
Obviously I am saving this forever, along with "Window of Opportunity." At the moment, they are my only DVR mainstays. Everything else can come and go.
(Also, oh man, I am looking at the inside of Martin's apartment right now and thinking of all the fics where Martin is an obsessive compulsive clean freak and LAUGHING HYSTERICALLY. Just as I always suspected, he may be well bred, but he is still a guy and thus I am not surprised by the pizza crusts and fast food containers on the floor.)
So, let's see, I haven't really updated about my real life since the start of the month. SORRY! First I was preparing for con, then I was at con, then I was recuperating from con. (Recuperating--not at all spelled the way you'd think!) My life has been pretty boring. They are going to start training me for my new job at The Bookstore next week. It's all pretty boring, pretty much what I've been doing already, but I did find out that my boss is also eventually being promoted, once they can find a place for her. So that's a little scary--I just assumed she'd still be there and continue to do all the work while I coasted along with benefits and an unhealthy well of knowledge about children's books.
Breaking Dawn, the fourth Twilight book, comes out on August 2, and we're having a midnight party. It's a recreation of the prom in the book, so since I am working crowd control, I get to wear a prom dress to work for like, eight hours. AWESOME. I'm going to see if mine still fits. If anyone else wants to hang out at a party for a totally ridic and over the top and annoying book series by wearing a prom dress and hanging out with me, let me know! It will be good, hilarious times, believe me.
Hm, what else? I got SGA S4 in the mail! I am looking forward to watching the blooper reel and the deleted scenes! I am also looking forward to tomorrow night's episode! I don't know what it's about or anything, but I love my show and I am SO GLAD that it's back. I JUST WANT TO RUN AROUND MAKING OUT WITH IT. Seriously, I want to make out with this show all the time. It is the best kind of fandom relationship. I can handwave all the fishy stuff as long as we keep having fun.
Why can't I meet a girl like that, internet?
Gosh, I guess that's it! My life is pretty boring, guys. Tomorrow,
moonsheen and I are going out for tea, then I have to go to a funeral (which is sad and lame--a girl who was younger than I am died. We were friends in high school, but I haven't talked to her since graduation, only kept up with her through mutual friends. She was my brother's best friend's first girlfriend. It's eerie and depressing and surreal.). I'm working all weekend, but I think I have Monday off! I think I will finish cleaning off my DVR and sleep all day! I am looking forward to it!