i hope this weekend doesn't suck!

Jun 19, 2008 20:22

So, let's see. Yesterday I went into the city. I killed some time trying on dresses that did not fit my stupid breasts, and sat in Rockefeller Center writing. Eventually I met up with this girl Liz at the NBC Store. (Haha, I'm so tired, so this is going to be the stupidest entry ever.) We went down to the Peanut Butter place for lunch, which we brought back up to TCR to wait on line. Pretty uneventful. I had forgotten, in the time since I last saw the show, how young and wry and enthusiastic the staff is. Aw.

We were 27 and 28 in line and ended up on the very end of the third row, closest to entrance. They filmed the tease with the audience, which was cool and has only happened one other time in the times that I've seen the show. It was really cute, and Jon was very excited that he got Steve Carrell (his guest for the night) to do a genuine spit-take. They talked about that for awhile, and Stephen told Jon he was interviewing Steve and Anne Hathaway and asked if Jon had any questions for Anne Hathaway or knew anything about her that he could use in the interview. One guy in Jon's audience asked for her number.

After the tease, Pete Dominick came out to do warm-up. I really like him. I do. He kept harping on this one guy who was wearing sunglasses inside and this other group that was composed of like, ten Asians and one black guy. The black guy got into it wit him because one of the Asians was Fillipino, and that's technically Pacific Islander and it turned into a recurring thing where he and the black guy gave each other shit and he made up a name for the black guy ("Your name is Peter. I dare you to name me a black guy named Peter. See? You can't think of any. Even the black guy's coming up blank."). He also picked on this really hot couple. It was pretty great. He had me in stitches.

Stephen came out and answered a couple questions, at which point we discovered Evelyn (his wife) was in attendance and was standing right next to me, where she stood for the whole show. What a sweet, classy lady, guys. Seriously. I just want to hug his entire family. The show totally cracked her up, which just made me smile with overwhelming affection.

The filming was really great, as usual. I was completely endeared to Junot Diaz, the guest, and cracked up when Stephen slipped and referred to Diaz's Pulitzer as as Peabody (of which Stephen just won his third). I kept flashing back to one of my favorite Colbert Report clips ever, the one where Bradley Whitford came on as the "Hollywood Elite" with like, all of his Emmys and Peabodys piled around him. It's here on the Motherload if you're at all interested, and you should be.

Afterwards, we decided to try and check out the Get Smart interview that Stephen was doing at the Apple Store in SoHo. After a couple false starts, we ended up in the right place and on this HUGE line to get in. We actually made it into the store, much to my surprise, and the interview was AWESOME. It should be up for free DL in the iTunes store pretty soon. Stephen and Steve were just adorable with their overwhelming affection for each other, and Anne was lovely and told dirty jokes.

Afterwards we had some food and I headed home. I had to take the 1:00 bus, so I didn't get home until close to two and I was exhausted. I basically rolled into bed, passed out, and rolled out again about thirty minutes before I had to be at work this morning. Work was insane and ridiculous, but we made plans for the Fancy Nancy and Junie B. party on Sunday and I'm really excited!

I want to do a post about a TWW story I am maybe writing and also about music, but I think I'm going make another post about that because this post just took me two hours to make. Awesome.

work: bn, tcr, tds

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