really, internet?

Jun 09, 2008 20:12

Disclaimer: I know that there are people on my f-list who are members of capslock communities. I'm not intending this to hate on you guys at all--I love you. That is why you are my f-list. That and because I like to feel internet powerful.

That being said...

Someone started a West Wing capslock community? Really? Really? I thought we were classier than that, internet. For real. Although, admittedly, when it slowly slides into anon-commenting and turns into an explosion of everyone's pent up vitriol, it should be hilarious.

While watching S1 yesterday, I was thinking back to THE GOOD OLD DAYS of TWW fandom when everything took place on eGroups and slasher and J/D shippers got along and people wrote awesome post-eps and stories that weren't just about sex and we all held hands and skipped around and made daisy chains while singing kumbahya. THOSE WERE THE DAYS.


In keeping with the TWW reminiscence, I started working on this story again. Exploring "To Fall Just a Little Bit" from Will's perspective is a lot of fun for me. Probably not for anyone else, because let's face it, I can count the number of Sam/Will fans on the internet without taking my shoes off, but I'm doing a lot of poking around and re-working things I've already written for the universe. Will is so broken and conflicted and in his push to comfort Sam, it just doesn't show through. Sam is too caught up in his own breakdown in his story to even notice what's going on when his back is turned.

Here's what I wrote today.


So, my AC is still broken. I'm at Panera. When I left my house it was 95 degrees downstairs. I don't even want to think about how hot it was upstairs. I think I'm going to spend the night at my grandmother's. I have to work at eight, so it's not like I could be on the internet all night anyway, you know. I'll bring some DVDs and my computer and just pass out on her couch. It will be awesome and COLD. Unlike my house.

eta, because all the cool kids are doing it:

fic: the world of safe people, sam/will, fic: tww, teh internets, fic: iowa, tww

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