oh my god cutest baby EVER.

Jun 08, 2008 02:47

It's still ungodly hot, but it's gotten a little bit better.

My parents are out of town and I was supposed to stay the night at my grandmother's house because her AC actually works, but I needed my internet and teevee, so I'm here instead. The heat broke a little (it's now 80 degrees in the house instead of 90) and if I sleep down here by the open windows it should be fine.

Anyway, the point of this entry is that David Hewlett and Jane Loughman have the cutest baby I have ever seen. SERIOUSLY:

Oh my GOD look at the SMILE on that BABY. LOOK AT IT. Oh my god, seriously, screw meeting David, I want to play with his kid for a few hours. Read him stories and sing him songs and watch Baby Einstein DVDs with him. I have reached a new level of fan patheticness.


In other news, I am nearly done with re-watching WaT season two. Let me tell you something hilarious about me watching WaT. It first popped up when scrollgirl was here--she'd put in a DVD and a case would start and I KNEW I saw it before. I've seen all of the first few years of WaT multiple times, but I've also seen all of SVU and CI and the first ten or eleven years of L&O. And, well, that many crime procedurals in one city tends to drive you a little mad.

Kait: Oh! I've seen this one! Someone's killed in the salon and they use hair dye to cover it up, right?
Scroll: ...no.
Kait: But there's a fight in the salon, right?
Scroll: Um... kind of. Later.

Kait: Oh, the kid's a drug dealer, right? And he hit that guy with a pipe?
Scroll: ...no.
Kait: But aren't the parents about to have a huge fight over groceries?
Scroll: Yes!
Kait: But that guy didn't hit another guy with a pipe?
Scroll: No.

I've done that about fifty times when watching these episodes. Good times.

Also, Danny "Hotass" Taylor continues to be sort of insanely pretty. I'm watching the episode where he needs to help get Rafi out of prison and during this really tense moment of Danny finally remembering that his dad was abusive, Rafi makes a comment about Danny's "pretty face" and I had to pause because... well, he has a point. Danny is very pretty. And looks very good in a suit. (Except for this one episode where he's wearing a really awful shirt that I swear to god he stole from Martin's closet. There is not other explanation for it.) Also also, pretty much one of the greatest things to ever happen on this show (aside from the "Friends? It's like therapy for poor people" line) is when this bad dude makes a comment about how "you can never trust a wetback" RIGHT IN FRONT OF DANNY without even noticing/caring and this really incredibly hilarious look passes between Sam and Danny.

The saga of Martin Fitzgerald: Tortured White Boy continues. OH MARTIN. YOUR LIFE: IT IS SO HARD.

In conclusion, Jack is hilarious and Viv is the love of my life and the only non-crazy person on this show. SERIOUSLY. ONLY NON-CRAZY PERSON. I always sort of knew that, but I'm watching the show for ~*character development*~ now and it is AMAZINGLY TRUE. Danny hides his craziness pretty well, but it's still there. Jack, Martin, and Sam's is there for all to see. But Viv is decidedly not crazy. AWESOME.

dhew, picspam, quotes, wat, baby!hew, sga, friends

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