oh, fanfiction of questionable quality...

Jun 06, 2008 17:47

Here is a secret. By "secret" I mean "something that I am going to post publicly on the internet, so not really a secret at all."

The word "erotic" immediately makes me think of Zapp Brannigan's hilarious and continual use of it on Futurama. Especially when it's used as an adjective to describe a sexual act. I bring this up, because I definitely just read a really long fic that continually had characters engage in "erotic kisses" and I had to keep pausing so I could laugh hysterically and think, "But what does that even MEAN?"

moonsheen and I concluded that it meant that porn music started playing in the background.

Erotic kissing. What even, internet?


In other news, I haven't eaten or written at all today, unless you count that essay about my car. Clearly I need to reassess my priorities. Where's the porn? Where's the sequel to my lgbtfest fic? Where's the hilarious campy sequel to That Time Martin Went Missing, wherein Martin and Danny are stuck in an elevator for five minutes and Martin is sure he's going to die and Danny talks about the eight million children he wants to have?

The answer is that they are in my brain and not down on paper. LAME.

teh internets, fic i'm totally not writing

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