May 24, 2008 22:13

Oh man. So, I thought today would be an easy day at The Bookstore since it's the first day of Memorial Day weekend, but I was totally wrong. It was super busy all day, but a good kind of busy. It was also BABY DAY, which was awesome because I love babies.

I did my staff recs, though. I was able to wheedle two out of Kim--an activity book and a picture book. (And by "wheedle" I clearly mean, "I was indecisive and Kim told me I could do both.") I did The Girls' Guide to Campfire Activities and A Couple of Boys Have the Best Week Ever. They're both awesome books and you should check them out.

I came home to my parents' barbecue. quatredeathlady and her sister were here, so we hung out for a little while and went to the mall where I got a classy new purse and a hot purple skirt. Good times!

Now I'm home watching Scream with my parents and making plans to buy tickets for Dorney Park. If you want to come with us on May 31, let me know! It's like, $25. Seriously. It will be fun times!


twentyfivepast uploaded this MP3 of Markéta Irglová singing "Willow's Song" from The Wicker Man and I've listened to it about fifty times recently. She has graciously allowed me to share it!

Markéta Irglová - Willow's Song

There's also a video of Glen performing a cover of Van Morrison's "Astral Weeks" under the cut. The video is sideways (Whoops!) but it is AWESOME and I kept expecting his guitar to spontaneously combust. That is how AWESOME it is. Oh my god, Glen, I love you so much.

image Click to view

Oh man. How awesome is that? How awesome?


I am totally working on an awesome Sam/Will fic. I am totally going to get it done on time. I SWEAR TO GOD. Um, scrollgirl, could you maybe beta it if I actually manage to get it done? And, um, anyone else who wants to volunteer?

This will be my first completed story in awhile, so I'm a little nervous that my mojo is gone :\

work: bn, writing: is hard, music, books, videos, glen&markéta

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