talking about many media

Apr 24, 2008 00:04

So, here are some things. The things are Skulduggery Pleasant, Hideaway (new Weepies album I keep promising to talk about), and Torchwood/Who.


Skulduggery Pleasant! I finished it today and loooooooved it. Fabulous. So, so fabulous. I can't wait until the next one comes out.

Basically, when Stephanie Edgely's favorite uncle dies, she's as surprised as anyone to realize that she had inherited his mansion and fortune. With his possessions, however, came the mystery of his death and his very peculiar friends, including Skulduggery Pleasant who is a living skeleton detective and determined to figure out who killed her uncle and why. He's got an incredibly wry sense of humor and his sarcasm is top notch and he manages to pull Stephanie into his world of magic, despite his best intentions. I'm not usually a huge fan of fantasy, but this book kicked my ASS. The dialogue is rapid and quick witted and funny, Skulduggery and Stephanie have a great rapport, and the characters who are introduced and crisp twists on general fantasy archetypes. The NYT review on the back calls it a "screwball fantasy" and it's probably the best description I can think of.

Just as good (if not better than!) as the novel was the short story in the back, in which Skulduggery is captured by an evil sorcerer whose plans are a little bigger than he can manage. Oh my god, SO funny. I kept cracking up and it was only a handful of pages long.


New Weepies album! Okay, so, I had a weird moment on my way to work today. I was listening to Hideaway with the windows down and the title track blasting and it totally brought me back to the first time I listened to the Weepies, driving around in weather like this with the windows down, sobbing because of my senior project. GOOD TIMES.

Anyway, I'm so gleeful about this album! I pre-ordered from iTunes so I got a sweet acoustic version of "Hideaway," but I kind of wished I had bought a hard copy too. I'm loving it so far, and I'm thrilled that I can finally share "Antarctica," which I listed to over fifty times before the goddamn album came out. I am INSANE. But I love it.

The Weepies - Antarctica

I want a John Sheppard vid to this song so badly I may go crazy. I'm even tempted to learn to vid so that I can do it myself, but I'm pretty lazy, so that probably won't happen. But I've totally gone through it in my head. I know exactly what clips I would use!

Here are two more songs, including the title track which they are offering for free on their Website.

The Weepies - Can't Go Back Now

The Weepies - Hideaway

IF YOU LIKE THESE SONGS, CONSIDER PURCHASING THEM LEGITIMATELY. Seriously. These people have a new baby and I bet they've love for you to throw your monies at them.


Torchwood. Yeah, I know, why do I keep going back? Because I love Martha. Seriously. I just watched all Martha's episodes because I felt like I had to, and I'm almost glad I did? Because I LOVE Martha, even though I am a Rose girl at heart, and I had almost forgotten how cool she could be when not pining after Ten.

Basically the only character I can stand for more than two seconds at a time is Ianto, which is surprising because I did not care about him very much in S1. (Not that I cared about ANYONE in S1.) He's funny now!

But this is what I wanted to talk about for realz: I left a note on my (virtual) dashboard to talk about this that I just re-discovered today. I LOVE the evolution/history of the typography of the Torchwood institute.

Yes, I actually wrote that sentence. Yes, I realize what a huge nerd I am.

I don't know how much of it is research/knowledge and how much of it is just dumb luck, but the segue between the Torchwood logo that we see in that one with that guy who was frozen and how it is now is amazing. I love it. I love the typefaces they use, how the logo built on itself... I'd really love to see all the logos over the years laid out next to each other. I know that's impossible because it is a made up teevee series, but I bet it would be a great transition guys.

I'm glad there is finally something about Torchwood I can like! :D

the weepies, skulduggery pleasant, music, books, who

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