the unhip-est kid on the internet

Apr 05, 2008 20:04

So, today at work I got a text message from my aunt asking if I wanted to take her kid and another kid to Bamboozle on May 3.

My first question (to the break room at large) was, "What the hell is Bamboozle?"

Apparently, I discovered, it's some big two-day concert here in Jersey that everyone knows everything about. (In my defense, it's only a few years old and for the past few years I haven't been living in New Jersey.) ("But Kaitlyn," you'd say, "Weren't you living less than an hour away? And listening to the same radio stations and teevee commercials that you listened to in NJ?" And I'd say back, "shut up, I'm trying to look cool on the internet.")

Anyway, I thought I'd peruse the website to see if I actually wanted to go. I saw that on May 4 (aka the day that I'm not going if I go) a lot of your Bandom Bands are playing, but I didn't really recognize any bands that I knew on May 3. This means nothing. I am so unhip that I should be having replacement surgery any day now. But I figured that you, O Wise and Hip Internet, might be able to help me out?

This is a list of bands playing on May 3. Are these people I would at all maybe like? My aunt is paying for it, so even if it's just one or two of them I'd be fine. I could always bring my iPod and a book to get through the rest of the day.

I mean, this is what I listen to most: Dar Williams, Paul Simon, The Weepies, Katy Pfaffl, other female singer/songwriters. But I also like Barenaked Ladies and Matchbox Twenty and The Boy Least Likely To and De Novo Dahl a lot these days, so take that into consideration too?


THANK YOU INTERNET. You have once again helped me to make an informed decision! ♥!

i am lame, music

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