
Mar 11, 2008 13:07

So, I fully intended to delete the entry that I made last night and e-mail the one or two people who I thought may have commented on it, but then eight million people commented on it and... gosh. Thanks guys. You're all so fabulous and when I have time I'll respond to all your comments <333

In other news, yesterday we saw Avenue Q and it was awesome! It's been about four years since I've seen it and there were a few things that had been changed? Which I guess was weird to me but... it has been four years. The cast was all so tiny and adorable! We had a great time. We also went to S'Mac for lunch and bought books.

We went to the (a, really) diner when we got home and saw the most ridiculous commercial on ESPN for fantasy football. We also decided that I should type "Kate Hewlett is my secret girlfriend" in all caps in my LJ, because then it would be for-real true and not just true in my head. ::shifty eyes::

Today we're going to wander a bit. I have to work at six and I think Julie is going to a movie or something? We shall see. I have to finish my atlantis_9to5 story at some point.

Hm. There were other things I wanted to post about but I can't remember what they were now. Perhaps later I'll post some Stoppard quotes.


avenue q, kate hewlett, theatre, friends

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