I'm chilling on the couch with a nice big thing of strawberry yogurt, a box of granola, and yesterday's Doctor Who marathon on my DVR (DVR - great invention or The Greatest invention?). Late tonight I'm going to see The Farnsworth Invention (finally!) with Steven and Priscilla. I have tomorrow off! Wooo
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My favourite part of those episodes is that sweet little evil child. Ha. Although the whole: "Ah...but with who?" bit of the dancing conversation? Classy.
And yes, it's very larger than life. Excellent for stage, not so great on-screen. But like you say...it's good for Jack. Because Jack's OTT normally. Hee. (There's a scene with Ianto in the second series that John plays remarkably well. It reminds me somewhat of the red door scene in S3, in which it's quite quiet to sort the mood. It works better in TW, though. Although David probably upstaged John anyway in that red door scene because fuck he comes across as so alien there...and I loved it. :))
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