Brian! And the rest of MB20! YAY!

Feb 15, 2008 01:40

Heeeeey guys! Just got back from Matchbox Twenty and it was AWESOME. OMG.

The first band, whose name I've already forgotten, was okay. Their frontman was a riot, but the lights almost sent me into a seizure and I'm not even epileptic. Alanis Morisette was good, too. She's got a voice on her, that's for sure. She also did a set that consisted almost entirely of singles and songs from Jagged Little Pill so I was surprised when I knew every single song. But that's okay. I enjoyed myself!

Okay, so, Nicole and I had floor seats, but our seats were two rows apart. There was a single empty seat next to me, so when it was still empty right before MB20, I gestured her over and she was able to sit there for the entire show, which was AWESOME. I don't know how much I've talked about this, but when quatredeathlady and I were youngins, MB20 was our favorite band hands down. We've seen them live at least a half dozen times before tonight and we had about a million inside jokes involving MB20 and MB20 songs. We LOVE THEM. So not only were we thrilled when they got back together, but we were EVEN MORE THRILLED to be seeing them. And then we were sitting together. IT WAS PERFECT. :D :D :D

Here's the MB20 set list:
How Far We've Come
If I Fall
Real World
Could I Be You
The Difference
I'll Believe You When
Back 2 Good
Hang (!)
If You're Gone
Hand Me Down
All Your Reasons
So Sad, So Lonely (!!!)
Long Day
These Hard Times
Street Corner Symphony*
Bright Lights

Argue (!)

So, first of all, "So Sad, So Lonely" was SO MUCH FUN. Out of all the shows we've seen (so, okay, I think only two of them were after More Than You Think You Are) we've never seen them do this song and it KICKED ASS. So so much fun!

Secondly, there was this really hilarious moment when they did "Bent" where the graphics on the screen were a car? And we didn't know why? And I kept cracking up and making jokes about the car. A car came back on screen for "So Sad, So Lonely," but as that song actually has a car in it, it made a little more sense.

They also did "Hang," which Rob described as "that little song that just sits at the end of the album and becomes everyone's favorite," and that's pretty much true, because it's probably my favorite song off that first album. It was wonderful to hear. So was "Argue," which was a lot of fun as well and another one off that first album that I love way too much.

And I love that they opened with "How Far We've Come" because that song really does move me to tears sometimes. (Oh man, I was constantly a mess when SciFi was playing that in its 2008 commercials with lots of clips of SGA. I'm glad I'm ridiculous.)

I will talk about the asterisk now, though! Because it is the most ADORABLE THING I HAVE EVER SEEN. So, today (Feb 14) was Rob's birthday. We knew this. People brought balloons and there was a message from a fan passing through the audience telling everyone to sing "Happy Birthday" after the second encore. But we didn't have to! Because halfway through, Paul stopped the show and Marisol rolled this huge cake and this dorky powerpoint slide of "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" went up on the screen behind them. They had everyone sing "Happy Birthday" (Rob later said, "There's nothing better than having 15000 people sing you 'Happy Birthday' in 15000 different keys and speeds.") These huge blower things shot confetti into the audience, and then they played "Streetcorner Symphony." That's a Rob Thomas song, and afterwards, Rob explained that for the past few weeks the other five guys have been like, sneaking off together, trying to learn this song in secret so they could surprise him.

Maybe I just have a lot of affection for those guys, but that is the CUTEST THING EVER. The only way it could be cuter was if they were doing it in a room full of kittens. Plus, it allowed our brains to make up hilarious scenarios (one of our favorite pass times!) about what was going on.

"What are you guys doing locked in that room together?"
"::cough: Um... Nothing."
"You guys are so gay. I'm going to hang out with my hot wife."

"Are you all squished into that broom closet?"
"Um... yes."
"What the hell are you guys doing?"
"Um... looking at mops."

Anyway, I was just so overblown with affection for them. I wanted to hug them all. Even Kyle with his fugly haircut.

(And, okay, let's talk about Kyle's RIDICULOUSLY UGLY HAIR. I feel like, the hotter Brian gets, the fuglier Kyle gets. Nicole thinks he's lost a hiatus bet with Rob ("I bet I can get famouser than you over the hiatus!") and I think he was growing his hair out until the hiatus was over.)

But yeah, it was a really fun show and I'm really glad I got to experience it with Nicole. SO MUCH FUN. BEST VALENTINE EVER.

(The one downside? Brian looked SUPER HOT and was AWESOME but Rob didn't mention him at all! He did shout-outs to Kyle and Paul and the two road guys (Matt and the new guy) but not Brian! I don't understand! Brian is awesome! And has been working with Rob for five million years! And deserves lots of love! And, okay, no one really cares about him but Nicole and me but WE CARE ABOUT HIM A LOT!)

::cough:: Anyway, it was awesome and we had a great time.

brian yale, mb20, music, nicole

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