apparently this entire post is about rodney mckay

Feb 09, 2008 15:58

David Hewlett on The Colbert Report in character as Dr. Rodney McKay. Great interview or The Greatest interview?

Think about it.


"The Tao of Rodney" is about to start on My9, and I'm pretty excited about it. (Almost as excited as I am that next week is the episode of SG-1 with Cam's high school reunion and Vala in short shorts. I am incredibly pro-Vala in short shorts. And skimpy dresses.)

Ahaha, okay, now it's started and here's something else that I will share with you: Seven years in the Rent fandom completely conditioned me to immediately follow any instance of "It's a metaphor!" with "It's less than brilliant!" and the idea of Rodney and Radek breaking into TMOLM in the middle of an abandoned hallway in Atlantis is both disturbing and hilARious.

Here's another random fact: I know this makes me a bad person, but I completely forget that Elizabeth exists until I see an episode with her in it. AHAHAHA OH MY GOD, CARSON TOO. Just as I was typing this, Paul McGillion's credit came on screen and I was like, "OH, CARSON. Right."

They keep playing commercials for the Air Force during SGA and SG-1 on this channel. Interesting advertising tactics.


I really had a point for this post before I started writing, but now I can't remember it for the life of me. I keep getting distracted by going "alksdjfioawejflkJIOASJDFLK BOYS. XD"

(Okay, here's something weirdish? Kavan Smith gets first guest credit and David Nykl gets second, but David Nykl is in half the episode and Kavan Smith is in one scene.)


This completely random post is brought to you by my inability to remember anything and my tendency to get easily distracted once Rodney McKay appears on screen.


eta: Brain... offline... Rodney... in chair... eyelashes... arms.... mouth... mrfghrfff.

tcr, ilu rodney, sga

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