some things to consider

Feb 01, 2008 02:30

  1. The thing I miss most about Mailing Lists (besides EVERYTHING) is Pass-A-Parties. What happened to the giant self-insert fics where you throw a party in a character from your fandom's mansion with all your friends and also save the world? Did they die with the Mailing List? That's just tragic.

  2. Someone, somewhere has to write a story where Kate Hewlett's character from her one episode of Psych seeks solace in the arms of Juliet. I have a feeling that person is going to be me but, come on, how hot would that be? Answer: SUPER HOT.

  3. One day, I would like to spawn. Sorry h8rs. It will not happen for many years, but when it does, you bet your ass I'm going to dress my kid in one of those snowsuits that looks like a bear.

  4. I don't think I like Torchwood enough to spend $48 on it.

  5. Herpes commercials and douche commercials are HILARIOUS.

  6. Where is the fic where John gives Rodney herpes, speaking of?

  7. And why isn't there an online version of Apples to Apples?

  8. I'm serious about that [girl from Psych]/Juliet fic.

  9. I miss living with moonsheen.

herpes, alex has a tag, kate hewlett, sga, psych

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