victory tastes like nutmeg

Jan 28, 2008 16:10

I'm in Panera, trying my best to get caught up with itsproductivity. I'm about halfway there, so I rewarded myself with a chai latte. I keep getting whipped cream on my nose. It makes me feel about five years old.

Speaking of five years old, my journal turned six about three weeks ago. SIX YEARS OLD. If my LJ was a child, it would be in kindergarten. And, well, I would probably be arrested for neglect due to the pressures of being an unwed teenaged mother who had to devastatingly throw away her college education in order to raise her child. So, I bet we're all glad that my LJ is not a child. I know I am.


In other news, Bravo is marathoning TWW S4 today. I discovered this when I first attempted to leave the house at one o'clock. Um, that didn't happen until around two because I got COMPLETELY SUCKED IN to "Debate Camp." SO MUCH LOVE. Team Toby! Sam singing camp songs! The first walk-and-talk! Donna's teen magazine interview! Bambi-esque! Evangelicals praying for CJ (and Sam!)!

OH SHOW! You were so good back in the days when you were actually, you know, good. And then, on the drive over, I got all nostalgic. THE JEDS. The FIVE HUNDRED ONEList/eGroups/YahooGroups I was on for TWW! The love of the fandom! I miss that. OH, 2002. COME BACK TO ME.

::cough:: Anyway. You guys should all watch and remember how awesome TWW was back before it sucked. I want to hug everyone. It's fabulous.


Back to the salt mines! I'm not leaving Panera until I'm entirely caught up!

el jay, tww

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